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(Dallons POV)

I woke up, and I gotta say I was in an increasingly better mood than I have been in a long time. The buzz still hadn't worn off, happiness still in my heart. I was excited to see him. I had washed his shirt, and the blood came out, which I didn't expect, honestly. Blood can stain, and I expected the worse. Which I tend to do, and I need to stop. I'm working on it. I put on some skinny jeans and a flannel. Nothing special. After I finished getting ready I grab Brendons shirt, putting it in my bookbag. I hurriedly ate breakfast, just some toast with jelly on it. I finished doing everything that needed to be done, and head out my door. I'm a tad bit late but I'll make it before the bell rings.

I hum a random tune as I walk down the street. God I was in such a good mood. It felt great in all honesty. When I got to the school my predictions were correct. I got here before the bell rang but I was later than I usually was. As I approach my locker I see Brendon leaning against his, a frown on his face. "What's wrong, B?" I ask and he looks up at me. "O-oh uh hi, uh nothing I'm okay." He says and I nod my head slightly at him, confused. I won't push it. "Just making sure." I say and I put my combination in and he nods. "I thought you weren't gonna show up, I was kinda worried for a sec." He says as I take my bookbag off. "You can always text me to confirm." I state.

"Don't have your number, silly." He says. Oh yeah, I never even thought to give him my number. "I'll give it to you in English." I promise and he nods. "Oh-! Here." I say taking out his shirt and he looks at it and then looks at me. "Just keep it at your house, I'll pick it up later. I don't feel like carrying it with me." He says and I nod, putting it back in my bag, shoving my bag into my locker. I grab the books I need, and close my locker. "We have like a minute to get there so we gotta hurry." I say and Brendon shrugs. "Eh, I'm in no rush." He says and I really look at his face since last night and my god, it was bad. He looked way paler than normal, a slight black eye forming. His nose was badly bruised, and the tiny cuts all over his face were very visible. He must be in so much pain.

I look away before he noticed me staring, my gaze on my shoes as we walked. "I don't think I properly thanked you for helping me last night." Brendon says, and I look at him. "No need to, anytime, anywhere I'd help you okay?" I say and he smiles at me. "I also wanna thank you for kissing me." He says and I feel my face heat up. "No honestly thank you for kissing me after I kissed you because I was genuinely terrified and thought you'd hate me for eternity." I say and he chuckles. "Could never." Brendon says softly and my heart felt like it was gonna beat out of my chest. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would be having this kind of conversation with Brendon Urie. Feeling these kind of feelings. I never would have guessed.

We get to English and literally right when we walk in, the bell rings. "Glad you boys decided to join us." She says and I hurriedly sit in my seat, Brendon plopping himself doen next to me. "Okay so I left the work at my house so we have a free period." I say. "Cool, I want to get to know you, Weekes." He says. "True, you don't know much about me anyways." I say and he raises an eyebrow at me. "Wanna bet?" He asks. "Okay what do you know about me then?" I ask, amused. Surely he doesn't know much about me. I haven't told him much. He might know bits and pieces but not a lot. No way. "Well your name is Dallon, Dallon Weekes." He says and I chuckle and smile, nodding. "Correct, great start." I say.

"You play the bass and ukulele and probably more instruments. You sing. You write music." He says and my eyes widen. "Wait wait, how do you know that?" I ask. "Your song book was on your bed, I didn't read any of them, just some of the first one. Bike Ride. When I realized I stopped reading, it was super good though." He says and I smile lightly. Usually I'd be pissed if someone went through my lyric book but it's Brendon. Plus as long as he didn't read the one I'm currently working on I don't mind. "Okay so you're chill. Like you're so just laid back and you're a sweetheart, yet you're also sassy. You cuss far too much. You have this weird thing for Dr. Pepper. Like seriously that's all I see you drink, does it run through your blood?" He asks and I snort.

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