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(Dallons POV)

After breakfast, we decided to watch movies until school was over. Just so we didn't get caught skipping by anybody. It's totally unlikely but also very much so possible. Rather play if safe, then be sorry later. I don't need my mom knowing I skipped and thinking I'm a "bad boy" now or whatever. That's Brendons branding not mine. I'm more so, the nerdy kid with a rebellious side. Yeah. That fits.

"So whatcha wanna watch?" I ask, as I too sit down on my bed. "Actually, I don't wanna watch tv, I wanna watch something else." He says and I snicker. "No we can't watch porn, Brendon." I joke and he laughs. "No, no uh, can you play for me?" He asks and I look over at my bass. "Not today.." I say, insecurity filling me immediately. The only person I've ever played for is my mom, and even now I don't play for her. I truly don't think I many good. I could be better. "Please? At least play the ukulele for me? Sing me a song?" He asks and I sigh. He's not gonna give up right? One song wouldn't hurt, right?

"Promise not to laugh at me?" I ask and he holds up his pinkie. "I pinkie promise." He says and I giggle, and link my pinkie with his. "I'll play the uke, but you gotta tell me what song you wanna hear." I say and get off my bed, walking over, grabbing it off the wall. "Bike ride." He says and I feel my face go red. "No judgements, I promise." Brendon says and I tilt my head. "Why that song?" I ask and he smiles goofily at me. "It's a cute song, so I deserve to see a cute boy play it." He says and my face heats up and I nod. I start playing, my throat felt dry, and I tried to calm down. It's only Brendon. He immediately smiled, staring at me as if I was the only thing on this planet. My heart fluttered.

"Constantly doing things, that you don't like, riding bikes, across the street. Without looking either way, yeah, yeah." I start out, focusing on the wall. I continue to play and make eye contact with him when I sing "chasing these pretty, pretty things" and I notice his cheeks tint a pretty shade of pink. He is pretty. Once I finished I look at him nervously, and he immediately claps and then jumps up off the bed, engulfing me in a hug. "That was amazing!" He gushes and I feel my face heat up as I hug him back. "Was it?" I ask softly and he releases the hug, nodding repeatedly. "Your voice.. oh my god. You're so talented." He says, a wide smile on his face. "I'm alright." I say, giggling a bit from all the praise I was receiving. No one's ever reacted that way when they've heard me sing. It felt nice to have someone appreciate you that much. "Alright? No, no you're amazing. More than amazing.. I can't even explain but you've literally blessed my damn ears." He says, and if my face couldn't get any more red, I swear. I was probably the shade of a tomato.

"Aww is Dally blushingggg." He teases. "Dally?" I ask while raising my eyebrows, a small smile on my face. "Oh uh sorry." He chuckles. "No, it's cute. I like it." I say and he shrugs. I put my ukulele back, and sit beside him. "I'm tired." Brendon mumbled, and I look at him. He did look sleepy. His eyebags were dark, and his eyes dropped lazily. "Let's lay down then." I say and he shakes his head. "No, no it's fine,  I'll be fine." He says and I shake my head. I gently snake my arms around his waist and pull us both down. I rest his head on my chest, and he nodded. "Okay, just, just a small nap." He mumbles, closing his eyes. I smile softly and gently rub his back. Soon his breathes became even and I realized he had fallen asleep. I then let my eyes slip closed, and fall asleep myself. Naps are nice, especially taking naps with someone you care about. Those are the best.


"Dallon." I hear someone say and I groan. "Dalllll." They say again, and I squirm a bit not wanting to get up. "Dally." They say again and suddenly a pair of lips are on my own and I open my eyes, surprised. Brendon pulls away, laughing a bit. "I knew that'd get you up. C'mon it's 4PM, let's go on that date." He says and I look at him sleepily. "Aw look how cute you are." He says caressing my cheek and I can feel my face heat up causing him to smile. "Let's go." He says standing up and I nod and sit up. "Lets." I say and also get up, and stretch. I yawn, rubbing at my eyes and look over at the clock. 4:17PM it read. Damn, how did I sleep for that long? I overslept this morning and overslept my nap. Well in my defense, sleeping is nice. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

You're Not Very Nice 《Brallon》Where stories live. Discover now