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"we'll get better."


their main room is built in a way that you could clearly see the kitchen from any place in the dining area. the walls around them are painted a light grey and a few paintings taehyung picked up at a thrift store hung on the walls. a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling and reflected specks of colourful light across the room. one half of the main room was used as the living room, rose coloured couch and dark wood coffee table, while the other was used as their small dining room. 

the table was small. it could probably only seat four people, maybe five if they squeezed next to each other. all the chairs were mismatched. one made from a stained wood and another upholstered red velvet love-seat and a chair of teak wood. most of them had some sort of throw pillow or fluffy blanket placed meticulously over the back of a chair due to jungkook's love for decorating. the dinning table itself circular and made out of glass. the only decoration being the bouquet of purple carnations in the center and a penguin  shaped salt and pepper shaker.

the plum haired werewolf watched his boyfriend from where he was seated at their dining room table. he takes a bite of the chicken mayo sandwich in his hands and smiles faintly at the sight of the pinkette. 

taehyung was busy trying to find his favorite cup, the pink one with his name on it, among their extensive collection of coffee mugs. he was wearing floral printed slacks and a white button-up that fell off his shoulders, feet bare. he twirls around in the kitchen with a giddy smile on his face and the cup now firmly held with both hands. jungkook watches at the boy hums a random tune as he pours the blood into the cup.

the scent of blood immediately invades his senses and the werewolf shudders at the strong smell. he seriously doesn't understand how he had thought taehyung was human for so long. the stench was so obvious that he wondered how on earth he hadn't picked up on it earlier. jungkook puts the sandwich back on the porcelain plate, he didn't have an appetite anymore.

taehyung skips his way over to the dining room table with the cup in his hands. he smiles sheepishly at jungkook and looks down, "you don't mind?"

jungkook quickly shakes his head and pats the chair next to him. the pinkette quickly scurries to seat himself and takes a sip of the drink through the straw. he immediately recoils and scrunches his face in disgust, he had momentarily forgotten how nasty blood tasted and was regretting taking such a big sip. "eww." he frowns.

"is there something wrong petal?" the werewolf raises a curious eyebrow. 

the vampire shudders "i swear the taste gets worse every day." 

jungkook simply nods,rather cutely, he didn't really know what to say to that. he hardly expected blood to taste good. he leans on taehyung's slightly broader shoulders and sighs. the vampire wraps an arm around his waist instinctively bringing his closer and jungkook's smile widens.

the purple haired boy was on cloud nine. for the first time in months his head wasn't pounding and his stomach didn't feel like it was ripping apart. he felt as fit as a fiddle on this fine morning in his boyfriends arms. he watches in the corner of his eye as taehyung licked a drop of blood off his lips. i wonder what else those lips can do...

jungkook chokes on air and sits up straight in his chair. right, he forgot that rut suppressants also repress those thoughts. 

"kookie?" the vampire's eyes were wide and he placed the cup on the table.

the werewolf coughed nervously, "oh, i uh...just remembered that i have to go to the pack house today and joon said you're welcome to join me!" he speaks a little to fast but grateful that he was able to think of an excuse for his strange behavior. 

taehyung's face instantly brightens and he clpas his hands with glee, "i've never seen a pack house." he giggles, "well i've never been inside one. i used to stand outside and watch how yoongi and seokjin tried to steal the dusk pack's-"

jungkook's eyes widen"holy shit it was you guys who stole my timberlands!"

the vampire launches into fits of laughter "on my god-"wheeze "-those neon monstrosities were-they were yours!" he slaps his hand on his knee, the cup on the table long forgotten, his face turning red. taehyung falls out of his chair and sits on the floor giggling.

"don't mock me!" jungkook gets out of his chair and reaches down to tickle taehyung who already saw it coming. the vampire scrambles off the floor and moves away from jungkook's fingers, turning to run down the hallway. "hey!get back here!" 

"catch me if you can!"

the werewolf follows his boyfriend down the hallway, chasing him around the rooms. his fingers barely missing the fabric of taehyung' shirt each time as he uses vampire speed to narrowly escape his grasp. after a few minutes of running taehyung starts to get tired and dodge more sloppily. jungkook finally manages to grab taehyung's waist while he was trying to climb over the couch. 

taehyung flops down on the couch and jungkook hovers over him, hands furiously attacking his sides. light giggles escape rosy lips from both parties and faces flushed with laughter. a bunny grin present on jungkook's face and a boxy smile on taehyung's features while he squirms away from the werewolf's fingers. 

the plum haired boy stops tickling the pinkette and moves his fingers away from his sides. he moves a pink lock of hair away from taehyung's sparkling eyes and places a gentle kiss on the vampire's blood-stained lips. when he pulls away a smile forms on his face, his doe eyes crinkling. "i love you tae-tae."

taehyung reaches to peck jungkook's nose playfully, which crinkles a the touch, and giggles. "i love you more~"

"not possible."

"of course, it is darling~"

"but you stole my timberlands!"

"hehehehe." taehyung flips them over so that he's now sitting on the werewolf's lap, "and you tickled me!" his fingers make their way to the back of jungkook's neck and start tickling him. it was now jungkook's time to be tickled to death.

"no~tae!" high pitched, childlike giggles emerge from the younger as he tries to get taehyung to stop, but to no avail. The tickle monster tae was ruthless, showed no mercy. 

taehyung blew a raspberry on jungkook's flushed cheeks, causing more giggles, and poked his nose. "my precious baby~"


in case ya'll were wondering they switch. yeah...whoop?

anyway!!!i only have about 4/3 more chapters to write so yay,almost done. 

i'm starting a bts demigod au fanfic so i'd really appreciate it if you guys checked it out?

i'm starting a bts demigod au fanfic so i'd really appreciate it if you guys checked it out?

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have a nice day! hope you liked the update!


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