⠀⠀don't stop believin'. ( DEAN WINCHESTER X FEM!OC )

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DESCRIPTION : ❛ ⠀don't stop believin' ! hold on to that feelin' !⠀ ❜ : in which morana amsel, who sees shadowy figures everywhere she goes, meets dean winchester at a bar one night, and proceeds to have a fling with him

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DESCRIPTION : ❛ ⠀don't stop believin' ! hold on to that feelin' !⠀ ❜ : in which morana amsel, who sees shadowy figures everywhere she goes, meets dean winchester at a bar one night, and proceeds to have a fling with him. said one-night stand turns into a two-night stand, and then a three-night stand, and eventually feelings, which lead to discoveries morana didn't want to make, including those about herself and the world around her

NAME : morana amsel

AGE : dependent on when you choose to set the plot, though she is around dean's age, so for the sake of my summary, let's say she's twenty-five

FACECLAIM : naomi scott

TIME FRAME : i feel like starting pre-series would be best, perhaps sometime within the week ( or was it weeks ? ) that john had been missing. i'm only on season four of the series, however, so if you have any other suggestions for when to start, they'd be very much appreciated !

STATUS : open

SUMMARY : morana amsel has been on her own since the moment she turned eighteen. her mother went missing when she was five, and her father died months before she was born, due to what everyone in the small town she had been raised in said was an animal attack. being left with her stinky, grouchy grandmother for thirteen years was nowhere near pleasant, and the fact that morana often saw shadowy figures around her town didn't necessarily help, especially since her grandmother refused to even consider the possibility of the existence of the paranormal. but then again, so did the rest of the town, and anyone that she so much as mentioned the figures to would take the first excuse they found to get away from her. and so morana vowed to herself that she would leave as soon as she became a legal adult. and that's exactly what she did.

for the past seven years, morana has been living in chicago, renting the cheapest apartment she could find downtown. working as a bartender did have it's perks, like the fact that there was never a short supply of guys ( and sometimes girls ) that morana could take home with her. though she could still see the shadowy figures, it was easy to ignore them in a big city, where morana could always pass them off as the shadows as actual, solid human beings. that is, until she meets dean winchester one night, and he takes her home with him after her shift. in the early hours of the morning that follows, morana is awoken by the distinct feeling that someone is watching her; and sure enough, when she opens her eyes, she finds one of her shadowy friends looming over her side of the bed.

when morana realizes that her shriek of surprise woke up dean, she figures that he will find her to be crazy, and throw her out. so imagine the black-hair girl's surprise when dean not only sees the shadowy figure, but pulls a gun up from underneath the bed and shoots at it. then dean's grabbing his stuff and shoving it into a duffle bag, and pulling her down to his car. in the ride back to her apartment, morana discovers something that she had long guessed at : the supernatural are real. dean gives her the choice to either stay in chicago or come with him in search of his own missing father. of course, morana picks the latter of the two; and no, not just because she has a thing for dean. okay, maybe because she has a thing for dean.

NOTES : okay so first i'd like to apologize for the horrid summary. and the gross title skksksk

- you can obviously change the title and faceclaim. though i really like morana's name and her age is kind of important but not really so yEET

- okay so also ! this plot is based off the song don't stop believin' by journey, if you couldn't already tell ! the line 'their shadows searching in the night' always gives me a spooky feel, because i choose to ignore the fact that the word 'their' is there

- and then i didn't quite know what to have morana be so i looked up the shadow man from the princess and the frog because i couldn't remember his name and i ended up finding a page for baron samedi from voodoo folklore so i thought that maybe naomi could have had an ancestor who made a deal with a crossroads demon to give the family the ability to, like, do voodoo or something. the shadows would then be like the shadows that dr. facillier sees

- not many people besides morana can see the shadows if they're not looking for them. as a hunter, dean is always on high alert, which is the reason he notices the shadow in the darkness of his motel room

- morana's mother is missing because of the deal that their ancestor made. like, the demon required that the ancestor who originally made the deal give them their soul after ten years, and required something from the rest of the descendants who would later practice voodoo ( you can choose what it was specifically that they asked for ! ). this is why morana's mother didn't teach her anything about voodoo, because if she didn't learn about it, she wouldn't be able to practice it, and therefore would be spared from the curse

- throughout the book, dean and morana should sleep together a lot, but dean should still pick up other girls in bars too, which leads to morana feeling that he doesn't actually like her and her trying to keep it as a 'friends with benefits' relationship. sorry, i don't make the rules. oh wait, yes i do :)

- sAm AnD mOrAnA nEeD tO bE tHe BeSt Of PaLs

- like seriously. her and dean should go together to find sam, and then sam and her should bond which leads to dean thinking she likes sammy more than him, which leads to Even More Angst

- they shouldn't get together until ? maybe halfway through the book ? about ? it should be semi-slow burn

- idk i guess you can choose to do whatever with the rest of the book ? like, i don't have a definite ending for this one so if i come up with one then i'll let y'all know but for now ,,

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