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february  7, thursday~

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february  7, thursday

seungmin stood in front of his locker, as usual, waiting for a certain someone to come down the hallway. hyunjin's locker was exactly 5 to the left of his, and seungmin quietly stared at the door where hyunjin would be coming out of any second.

"i'm sorry i can't, i'm going to my aunt's house at 2," hyunjin rejected his newest best friend, jeongin's, offer to hang out saturday.

this was great news for seungmin, fortunately he knows exactly where his aunt lives, thanks to him overhearing hyunjin inviting jeongin to his aunt's baby shower at the end of january.

     hyunjin waved bye to his friend, and made his way to his locker. in the corner of his eye, he could see seungmin burning holes into his skin with his eyes. feeling uneasy, hyunjin rushes to get what he needs and quickly walks to his next class. i mean, could you blame him? he'd only spoken to seungmin once, yet he acts as if they've known each other since forever.


at lunch, seungmin goes to the vending machine. putting in some money, he gets a cherry cola back in return. seeing as this was not the soda he had originally picked (sprite), he takes it has some sort of sign that this was what he should be drinking anyways.

seungmin roams the halls, waiting for the bell to ring so he can return to class. he paces back and forth outside his classroom, slowly drinking the cherry cola. he's decided that it is now his favorite soda, despite him getting it on accident.

woojin, the red head's brother and best friend, ran into his brother on the way to the bathroom.

"hey, i thought you only ever bought sprite?" he questioned his brother's actions.

"well, turns out i love this more than i thought i could."

words: 305
lolol this is just a filler chapter, don't kill me please. love y'all, stay zesty💞

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