August Flash Fiction Contest -CLOSED

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Welcome to the first Unseen Flash Fiction Contest! 

I'm so pleased you've decided to check out this competition and hope that you will consider participating. If you have any questions about the contest, just ask!

Please make sure you have reviewed the previous three chapters so that you understand the guidelines of this contest.  As a recap, below you will receive a writing prompt.  Write a brief story (2000 characters or less, which equals about 350 words) based on this prompt and send it to me in a PM by August 15th.  Your entire story should fit in one Private Message.  Please also comment on this chapter with the name of your story so that I can verify that I've accounted for all of August's entries.

A guest judge will score the entries and determine the top four.  A grand prize winner and three runners-up will be announced the last week of August.

Note: The Fold series is written in third person present tense.  While you are welcome to stick to this style, do not feel obligated to do so.  Write in past or present tense, first, second or third person—whatever strikes you as the best way to present your story.  Find your own voice and have fun!


Several months before Nolan arrives at the hotel, Clara dreams that the hotel has lost its hold on her: she's able to walk off of the grounds and through the town.  No one can see her, but at least she is free to move where she pleases.  Write about what she does and where she goes.  Does she stay in town?  Does she move away never to return, or will she come back to the hotel because it's the only home she's ever known?  Remember, this is a dream.  There is room for playfulness!

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