Jackson Fairhold

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   Growling as I plopped into my seat, I watch as Ashley and Ming run into class, and take the last seats in the front. 

   The school bell rang out a sharp, shrill, whistle like ding, and the teacher stepped up. 

   "Homework. Now." She commanded, and the students passed their work forward, where Mrs. Hutchenings stood. We liked to call her 'The Hutch', and everyone dreaded her classes. 

   "I want someone to read their report aloud for the class today." The Hutch's eyes darted like crows eyes, beady and mercilessly as she scanned the room for her victom.

   Alex Jorgensen tenitivly raised his hand, like always, and The Hutch zeroed in on the volunteer.

   "Mr. Jorgensen?" Mrs. Hutchenings squinted her eyes, looking strait at the nerd.

   "Yes ma'am?"

   "I think we should have another student read today." She said. "Mr. Fairhold?" She turned to me, her head rotating to look at me, without moving the rest of her body even moving an inch.

   My head almost popped off my shoulders. "Uh, Mrs. Hutchenings? Can I-"

   "Perfect!" The Hutch interrupted, fixing me with her icy gaze.

   I slowly stood, procrastinating as I trudged down the aisle, walking toward the doom of my reputation.

   Digging my report from the pile, I stood before the class.

   "Uh... Hi." I started.

   Looking down at my paper, i tried to slow my heartbeat, because panicking will only make my  dyslexia worse. The words were strait at first, but as I began, the letters drifted around the page, twisting and turning into a jumbled mess.

   "You-you-you see, George Wa-Wa-Washington was a ge-e-e-nius general, and lead the American ar-ar-army through several battles. He was one of the stra-stra-strategist of the Revolu-u-u-u-tionary wa-wa-wa-war. He-he-he was-"

   "Mr. Fairhold, that would be enough. You may sit down now." The Hutch took mercy, and I almost ran back to my seat.

   Just because my brother graduated with high honors doesn't mean that I'm going to be just like him.

   While Joshua Fairhold was a winner,

   Jackson Fairhold is a loser.

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