Ashley Marken

104 3 2

    Shockingly, school wasn't cancelled. Literally, everyone was super surprised.

    I kept my head down as i boarded the bus, and took my usual seat five rows behind the driver. I had twelve more blocks before Ming would board the bus.

    I lean my head on the window, and watch the familiar buildings pass by. Autumn leaves fall, lazily making thier way to the ground, where they tenitivly settled.

    One more stop, I think, and pull out my vibrating phone. 

    "The president?" Someone says, and I hear the tell-tale sound of everyone else's phone vibrating. "Attack precaution?" Someone gasps. I read the message that apparently everyone received. The bus driver slows the vehicle, and checks her phone.

    'All people of the USA are required to move imidietly to a safe building, shelter, or home. War has been declared, and attack precautions are now in act. Please obey all orders.' it reads. 

    I look up in panic. Attack?

    There had been rumors.

     The bus stops. "Students! Please go inside that bank here, I'll try to find out my new route now that school has been cancelled for obvious reasons!" Our driver commands.

    I stand, the bus jerks as it parks, and the students panic as they rush forward to the door, unloading. I see Ming come running down the street from her stop, and she looks scared, terrified actually.

    We crowd into the small lobby of the bank, and there are about twenty students around me. Several of whom I recodnized. Jackson. Sharah. Andrew. Amelia. Ginger (ugh). And several more. 

    Then all of our phones vibrated again and several girls burst into tears. 'initiate lockdown shelter.' it read. Ming's eyes went wide.

    The bank employee was sitting behind her desk, and she stared at us. 

   Twenty kids standing in her lobby, crying or messing around. Two boys shoved each other around. 

    The employee hit a button on her desk. Bars locked over the doors. Our bus driver was still standing on the streets talking on her phone, a hand on her hip as she leaned against the bus.

   Planes echoed overhead.  

   Another girl sobbed. 

   Someone made an apocalypse joke.

   Speak of the devil...

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