Name: Demi DemonsType: Magic, Dark
-= Character Sheet =-
Personality:-= Plot =-
The world as it is, full of chaos and deceit, hardships and terrible people. There's always the good few who have sprouted out of the world, Angels. Angels have been known to watch over the earth and save those in trouble, beautiful creatures full of life and love, warm good things. But there's always a cause.. demons. Demons have been known to cause deceit and impurity. Everyone thinks they know the truth about the spirit world, Angels fighting the Demons away so no more people get hurt! But.. that's not the case, Demons came to this earth from the spirit world in fear of the Angels, two types of spirits that hold a balance but Angels just thought that is all demons were exterminated then they could rule the world. Of course the demons didn't want this so they fled to earth to hide among humans.. feeling discriminated and violated the demons tried to save their race by breeding with humans, this created Demi-Demons. Angels never thought that this would happen, they know that they cannot kill the humans so wiping out the demons would be a task.. they will do whatever it takes. People have been known to disappear and not return.. humans have become brainwashed with the though of Angels being better than demons but they did nothing wrong..
Years have gone by and a new generation has been born, Demi-Demons vs the Angels.. Dark vs Light.. Good vs Evil.. It's up to the new Gen's to finish this war in peace or with blood.
Role Play Plots
РазноеThese are Plots that I have either made, saw, or played in, so please enjoy! There's many plots and these can even be used as writing plots! If you want to Role Play with me then Follow me then message me and we'll get to it!! xD I might even make s...