Kicked out

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Stiles pov

I was just done parking Roscoe (sorry if the names wrong or spelt worng) when suddenly Scott came up to me when I was getting out of Roscoe " Thursday a pack meeting at Dereks loft five minutes after school don't be late " he said.

I know that there going to kick me out so why should I go.They have been ignoring me for months well except Isaac and liam they talk to me.I'll just go I have ever nothing else to do anyway Masewell see their faces when I don't react to what their going to say.

( Time skip )

I reach Dereks loft with 1 minute to spare.I walk up the stairs and see that all of the packs all ready there."Stiles your out of the pack " says Scott.

" Cool it that all I really need to go home" I said .

The packs expression was priceless.Their faces were a mixture of speechless , shock , surprise , and confusion. " What that's all you have to say shouldn't you be crying on you knees asking why and begging for us to take you back " Scoot said.

Now that just made me angry do they really think Im that weak "Hijo de puta" ( Translation " Motherfucker " ) I said out loud to the pack with an blank look on my face.

As I walk out the door I hear Lydia say " He knows Spanish " and then Jackson's says " That was Spanish " " I know a lot of languages Lydia and yes that language was Spanish Jackson." I simply say. As I walk out the last thing I see is Isaac and liams heartbroken faces.

Isaacs pov

I watch as Stiles walks out I hear Liam let out a small whimper. " Well since that's done what about a pack bonding night the first one without stiles in the pack ey " Dereks says.The pack cheers ' How dare they ' I thought angrily as if sensing my anger Liams says " Me and Isaac would love to but we got to do something for the night bye " and grabs my wrist and drags me out of the building and the pack thinks nothing of it.

Liams pov

When we were out of hearing range Isaac started shouting in anger " HOW DARE THEY KICK STILES OUT OF THE PACK THOSE UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHITS AND THEN THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO CHEER WHEN DEREK SAYS THAT I'LL KILL THEM " I hold him back trying to calm him down " Hey hey calm down you can hurt them not kill them after we check on stiles ok Isaac " that seemed to calm him down as he wrapped his arms around my waist and cuddled me for a bit.When we pulled away he said "yeah thanks let's go check on Stiles" and with that said we started walking to his house.When we got the we just sat on his bed waiting for him because he's in the shower the door opened my jaw dropped and I'm pretty sure Isaacs did too.

Stiles pov

When I walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around my waist.I look up and see that Liam and Isaac sitting on my bed with their jaws dropped "Uhhhh hi" I say " Y-y-you have a-a-abbs " lsaac says. ( pic at top )I nod my head "yep" I say "Anyways what are you two doing here" I say again while folding my arms across my chest "Well where coming to see you also to calm Isaac down as he was going to kill the pack" Liam says.They look around my room and see that nearly everything in my room is packed."Where are you going" Isaac says with a confused look on his face.

'Uhhhh shit'

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