Chapter I: Basement plans

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  Ash's POV

     It started with a mission... That had nothing to do with world domination.

     We flew into a cloud of mist belonging to the Posteloe mountain range. Me and Zuko  that is. I was taking him to a magical post office to mail a letter. I don't know who he was mailing it to, though.

     The letter was pink and covered in sequins. The letters  M.A.R. emblazoned on the side of the letter blinded my eyes. Of course I didn't and still don't understand what it meant. 

     We landed at the front of the building, with a poof of snow. Icy daggers hung from the eaves of the post office. Snow sparkled like a German at the doorstep.

     Wind blew through my blonde hair. I sighed heavily.

    "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" said Zuko as we slowly walked through the doorway.

     "Trust me. I've done this ah million times..." I said lifting a flashlight in the darkness.

     Suddenly, with the flick of a switch, the pale hallway lit up.

     "State yer business then prepare to eat lead!" A girl holding a shotgun came running out from behind a box. "Ready to die?!"

     Zuko and I put our hands in the air. "Uuumm, please don't kill us," I said, stepping forward. "We're just here tah mail ah letter."

     "Oooo, who's the sex cake?" said the lady with the gun. "You two don't look like the Resistance. Who the heck are you?"

     "I am Fire Lord Zuko: mother of dragons!" said Zuko, smoldering.

     "Alright then who's the striper?" she said, nodding her gun at me. She looked like a maniac...

     "I'm Ash, deliverer of messages!" I shouted, startling myself.

     "Ooookkey... Come with me,"
she said, turning around and walking down a hall. "Why always the freaks..." she mumbled to herself.

     We entered a strange room, the walls covered with scratch marks. The lady gestured to a fire pit in the middle of the room. Zuko tossed the letter into the fire.

     Ooh. It burned like the professor... a voice in my head said. Wait, what?

     The sound of a small guard  dog yipping made me jump.

     "The Resistance!" the lady screamed, "Leave, before they get you!"

     Suddenly people in black ninja outfits came through the door. They quickly surrounded us.

     "Yer on yer own now, Zuko!" I said jumping into a magic portal, disappearing into nothingness.

     The portal took me to a different dimension... My home dimension.

     I arrived in front of a large log cabin in the woods. I stepped onto the porch and put my hand on the doorknob.

     "It's mine!"

     "Noo it's mine: you already had your share!"

     "No I didn't! It's mine!"

     I sighed. My partners were arguing again. They're not very smart.

     I opened the heavy oak wood door and walked into the kitchen.

     "My ramen!"


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