chapter one

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Cas had always noticed the boy that sat alone in the back of the classroom, but never really noticed him. It wasn't until one day, the boy limped into class covered in bruises. He hung his head low, trying to hide his face. But Cas could still see the black eye he was trying to hide. He sat down in the back corner and sunk into his chair. Cas stayed in his seat and tried to ignore him, but he couldn't help but wonder.

After class he stopped the boy in the hallway. "Hey, man. I was just wondering if you're alright? You seem pretty beat up." The boy didn't look at him, just kept his head hanging low. "Uh, ya. I'm okay," he said as he quickly rushed away. "Hey! Wait!" Cas yelled, but he was already long gone. The boy ran into the bathroom, locking himself in a stall. He sat on the floor and began to sob into his hands.

Meanwhile, Cas went to lunch with his two best friends, Gabe and Meg. They began to talk, but Cas wasn't listening. He couldn't get his mind off of that poor boy. "Hey, do you guys know who that boy is in our English class who sits in the back corner?" he finally said, interrupting them. "You know, the one who was all beat up today?"

"Ah, you mean Dean Winchester." So, that's his name, Cas thought. "Ya, Dean. So what's his deal?"

"I hear, he's like super weird and a total loner, he only hangs out with his younger brother, Sam. Too bad, cause he sure is cute," Meg added. Cas couldn't argue with that. "So, why the sudden interest in Dean anyways?"

"Oh, I don't know," Cas lied. "I'll catch you guys later, okay?" He waved goodbye to his friends, and headed to the bathroom. When he walked in, he heard weeping coming from one of the stalls. He lightly knocked on the door. "Hey, is everything alright in there?" Then followed a faint voice. "G-go away." Cas recognized the voice.

"Dean? Is that you?" No answer. "Dean, if that's you, um, my names Castiel. My friends call me Cas. Listen, I just wanted to make sure you're okay." There was a long moment of silence, followed by more weeping. "Okay, well bye Dean!" Cas slipped a small piece of paper with his number on it under the stall door.

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