chapter twenty three

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hey guys wow this story got sad i didn't not mean for it to take this turn but it did :( lol soooo *trigger warning* for this chapter


A few weeks had gone by, and Dean barley left his room. It was almost time for the boys to move to California and Cas was getting worried. "Dean, how are you feeling today?" Cas asked as he walked in the room. It was 3 PM and he still hadn't gotten out of bed. "Okay." Cas sat down on the bed and kissed him softly on the lips. "You look pale. Are you sure you're feeling okay? When's the last time you ate?"

"I don't know."

"Dean, get up. You're gonna eat something right now whether you like it or not!" Cas attempted to pull Dean out of bed but he was resisting. "Dean, don't be such a dick. Come on." Dean fell out of the bed and onto the floor. He curled up in a little ball and refused to move. Cas officially gave up and left the room.

"How's he doing?" Sam asked as Cas came down the stairs. "Not good. He refused to get out of bed. I don't know what to do, Sam."

"He's never acted like this before." Cas tried his best to hold back his tears in front of Sam. He knew he needed to stay strong for him, put he was being torn apart inside. "Cas, maybe you should go back up there, I don't think he should be alone right now." Cas agreed and headed back upstairs.

When he opened the door he fell to his knees and began to sob. Dean was laying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. "DEAN!" Cas ran to his side and held him in his arms. "Dean, what did you do?" He looked at his wrists and saw they were covered in blood. "Oh my God, Dean," he whispered. "SAM, GET UP HERE!"

Sam walked in, and immediately began to cry. "Sam, you can't freak out right now, okay? I need you to help me. Go grab some paper towels and tape! And hurry!" Sam's shaky hands sifted through the kitchen drawers, searching for tape. He grabbed the supplies and headed back upstairs. Cas wrapped up Dean's wrists and picked him up in his arms. "We gotta get him to the hospital."

The boys ran to the car and put unconscious Dean in the back seat. "Come on, stay with me Dean," Cas repeated over and over. "Cas, i-is he gonna be okay?" Cas saw the terror in Sam's eyes. "He's gonna be fine, Sam. He's gonna be fine." Cas didn't believe what he was saying but he had no other choice. Please don't leave me, Dean.

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