A Not So Welcome Party! And You're Invited!

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***************Author's Note****************

Hey guys!!!  Omg so this story has gotten over a thousand reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are so awesome and thank you so much I really appreciate it all.  I'm sorry it's taken so long to update, I am such a horrible person, but I was hoping to make this chapter a little longer and then I kind of just forgot about it for a while, plus my life has been against me having any free time recently :(.  Sorry again and I apologize in advance if this sucks.  Hope you enjoy!!!!


Jordan's POV

I raced back on deck, Jack right behind me. I ran to the prow of the ship, leaning over the rail as I strained my eyes to try and see the shore. It was a fair distance ahead but I could just make it out. I looked at Jack who was staring at it as well, that wolfish grin of his, plastered all over his face. I knew that look. Great.

After casting another suspicious glance at my brother, I hustled to help the other men get ready to make land.  I climbed the ratlines, ignoring shouts as I quickly out scaled several other crew members.  It was a good two hours of hard work before we pulled in.  I sagged against the railing, accepting a water skin.  I took a long swig and then wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before I passed it on to the man next to me.  

I walked back to the helm where Jack stood smiling.  "So what's the big plan?" I asked Jack, knowing his answer in no way would please me. He turned to me and grinned even wider, showing off his gold teeth.

"How good of an actress are you?" he asked.

Several hours later, it was chaos. I was in the middle of a bar, surrounded by guards who were all trying to keep me from killing my brother. Again.

"You vile piece of shit!" I screamed at him as two guards pulled me off Jack, interrupting my third attempt in strangling him.

"Bloody pirate!" he roared back as several more guards hauled him to his feet. I cackled loudly.

"You're one to talk!" I yelled before yanking an arm free and grabbing an empty bottle and flinging it at his head. He barely managed to duck in time. He broke free of the soldiers holding him and charged me, tackling me to the ground. I punched him in the face before rolling back onto my feet and kicking him. He grabbed my leg and brought me crashing back down to the ground. He grabbed me by the collar and started shaking me and slamming me into the floor. He paused to ask,

"Give up yet?", to which I replied, "Go to hell." I managed to punch him in the ribs and then elbow him in the face. He staggered back and I went after him, the soldiers still trying to separate us.

About another hour or so later, I lost track, Jack and I were sitting in opposite cells, deep in the heart of the fort. The soldier who had been escorting me shoved me into my cell, slamming the door shut. I pressed my face against the bars and watched as Jack was tossed into his own cell. We glared at each other then watched as the guards retreated. As soon as we heard the door slam shut, we took one look at each other and burst into hysterical laughter.

Once we had calmed down enough, Jack said, "Nice job back there. It almost looked like you really wanted to kill me." I snorted.

"Almost? Yeah right. And I'm sure that wasn't real worry I saw on your face when I was trying to strangle you." Jack chuckled.

"Which time?" he asked and we both dissolved into laughter again.

"Nice touch with the 'bloody pirate' part." I said through my giggles.

"Well, I figured it would get their attention." Jack said, still chuckling.

"Yep." I said.

"So now what?" I asked after a few moments. Jack knelt by the door to the cell and whistled. A dog came trotting around the corner, a ring of keys in its mouth. I snorted. These soldiers were so dense, entrusting the keys to the fort to a mongrel.  Idiots.  The dog stopped just out of reach.  Of course.  

My Idiot Brother: Jack SparrowWhere stories live. Discover now