Chapter 7

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After about 20 minutes of 2k14 and sitting in a wrap around couch, still uncomfortably close Shawn gets up and motions for me to follow him.

Obviously, I follow him to the kitchen. "Are you okay?" he frowns.

I shrug, "Sure why?"

"Because you look, I don't know, let down."

"I just can't believe I'm missing school to watch you and your friends play video games." I say quickly.

"Oh, that's now why you're here." He grins, "follow me."

He takes my hand and leads me through a dining room and out to the backyard with a really nice in-ground pool and a well landscaped surrounding area. There's so many flowers and trees, you can tell a woman takes care of it, it's so nice.

Shawn sits down on the edge of the pool and pats the spot next to him, "So you wanna know who Shawn Mendes is?" he leans back on his hands.

"I most definitely do." I smile.

"Okay, I really don't know why I'm gonna tell you all this, I mean, I barely know you but feel free to stop and ask questions anytime." I nod slowly before he takes a deep breath and start.

"So, I am Shawn Peter Raul Mendes."

"Peter Raul?" My eyes grow large in disbelief.

"Yeah, calm down it's not even that exciting." He smiles softly, "I was born August 8th 1997 to Alice and Michael Mendes. I haven't seen my mom in a while and -"

"How long is a while?" I say hesitantly.

"8 years 5 months 3 weeks 2 days." He says automatically, "The 8 year old me still hopes that one day she'll call or show up and hug me and just say she missed us..." He trails off and looks sad for a moment but then goes right back to his story, "So in seventh grade I met this girl and she was perfect," I roll me eyes.

"What?" He crosses his arms.

"Am I about to hear a puppy love story? Is the 'mysterious bad boy' gonna write me a sob story?" I smile and poke his chest.

"No, this is important. Everything's important." He says seriously, "So I met the girl and I've never been the best kid, but she made me want to be better. I didn't go out saving dolphins and ending world hunger but I started caring. I did my homework, which was a big step for 12 year old me. I spent a little extra time picking out my clothes and doing my hair and she noticed."

"Does said girl have a name?"

"Yeah, Emily." He says softly, "I finally got the courage a million days later to ask her out and I did, and we dated until earlier this year and we weren't so responsible and we, well I have a kid, a daughter she's 10 months old, her name is Bella Dru."

I nod, "Thats pretty but what do you mean 'i' ?"

He sighs and looks across the yard before taking a deep breath, "Emily.." He sighs again. I want to tell him he doesn't have to talk about it if he doesn't want to but I'm a terribly selfish person who wants to know what happened, "she was in an accident, 8 months ago." He sighs, "she was driving home from a friends house after studying and some drunk guy hit her."

I rest a hand on his knee unsure if I should hug him, "I'm so sorry." I say softly.

"Everyone is." He mutters, "Not to be rude but it kind of loses it's meaning when you hear it so much."

"Oh." He must notice the hurt look on my face because Shawn leans over and hugs me.

"Thanks for listening Chloe..." He smiles, "Part two shall be saved for later." He kisses my cheek softly before getting up and going back in the house.

"What the fuck." I say in a breath I didn't know I was holding. You can't just spill this emotional life story, kiss my cheek and go. Damn, Shawn's something else.


Oh so sorry this chapter took so long, I'm so bad at this, I'll try to be better but Shawn rocks guys. This bad boy is so cool, okay it's 2 AM bye!!!

Xoxoxox Princess

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