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"Could you get any slower?" I sighed at my twin brother, Duke, as I put down my phone after sending a text to our best friend, Alden.

Alden's family went to the Bahamas for his parent's anniversary and the last time I've heard from him was yesterday, before their flight to return home.

Duke exhaled loudly, "I'm pretty sure you'd like it better when we arrive school without receiving a ticket for over-speeding. Were only three digit away from that scenario."

I was about to retort, when he added, "And its only 7:00. We're not that late, Quinn."

Aside from ours, luckily there are only about three cars also using this route aside from the general highway.

"I hope you didn't forget that I'm the Vice-President of the student council. I have to be there to assist the new-comers and manage the students for the first day of class"

I saw the intersection which I used as an indicator that we're only three minutes away from school. But before we could even pass through, a speeding car suddenly passed by in front of us making Duke come to a sudden stop.

The other car also came to a halt making a screeching sound.

"What the actual fuck" I shouted as I hear my heart pound against my chest while Duke mutter a few curse words under his breath.

After a few good seconds, "What are you doing?" he asked as I take my seat-belt off.

"I thought maybe I'd go there to teach a living butt-plug how to drive without trying to kill people."

But when I was about to open the door I felt Duke take hold of my free arm, "What are you doing?" I asked in a threatening tone.

I saw him shake his head slightly, "I'm not about to let you get into a fight in the middle of the road"

I gave him a what-are-you-saying face. "Seriousl--" I stopped when someone knocked on the window of the Driver's side.

"Behave," my brother ordered before releasing my arm. But in my ears it was more of a request.

I heard the guy outside exclaimed "Duke!" as he was lowering the window.

"Cyrus? " Duke said, as if asking for confirmation.

'Cyrus' had a quick handshake with Duke, "Hey, long time no see. Sorry for what just happened, it was tota--"

"You should be." I scoffed. Honestly, I was only planning to whisper that but I forgot the part where I have to lower my voice. I saw them face towards me.

"Cyrus, this is my sister. Sis, this is Cyrus. A genuinely apologetic guy," In Duke's eyes I could see what he wants to say, 'be nice'.

"Hey, Cyrus," He had his arm inside the car and extended towards me. "And I really am sorry about what happened. The time in our car was thirty minutes advanced and we didn't notice only until we passed by. My younger cousin was rushing me, and we were just panicking"

I accepted it, choosing not to reply to his explanation.

I say, "Quinn Anders." I tightened my grip then continued, "And if not for the laws of this land I would have pushed my brother out and continued what could have been a vehicular homicide," then released his hands as I give a sweet smile.

Duke's eyes widen while an amused smile played in Cyrus' lips. Which irritated me to great lengths.

"Cute and Feisty. I love that." Cyrus declared as I let out a vomiting sound, "I don't give two shits abo--"

Duke cut me off by saying, "Look at the time! My sister have obligations she needs to attend to at school. Hopefully, I'll see you at this year's championship? Bye, dude." And without waiting for a response, we drove away.

Thankfully, we were finally able to reach the school in a silent, peaceful manner.

I went out as soon as Duke properly parked the car, "Bye," I said before closing the door behind me and entering the school building.

I hurried down the hallway as I open my phone to call the President of the Student Council, it ringed a few times and then he answered, "Ms. Anders, I hope you know this kind of behavior would not be tolerated--"

"Oh shut up, Kyle. Where are you, guys?" I asked, hoping they were in the Student Council's room because I'm only a few feet away before I reach the door. As soon as I said that, I saw Kyle getting out while answering, "Definitely not in SC's room. I can assure you that."

I rolled my eyes as I ended the call, "I can assure you I'd overthrow you and take the President's position myself," he got surprise for a quick moment before retaliating. "With you being late? I doubt it," then he shrugged.

We had a staring showdown before breaking into laughter and hugging, "Am I always glad you were the sperm that won," I joked, "Oops, I mean I'm glad to see you again, Aragon"

Kyle chuckled while shaking his head vaguely, "You really are something, Anders."

"Damn right," I said. "Anyway, moving on.. how was the new-comers and the freshmen?"

"Oh, we got it all handled. Its not like we actually have to tour them around. And we had a bit of help from other seniors."

"All cool, then." I commented then I suddenly remember what happened at the intersection, "Oh you would not believe what just ha--"

But I was cut off when a voice I know all too well called out, "Quinn!"

I ran to the source of the voice before even confirming who it was. Because, I'm 100% sure.

I jumped up then wrapped my arms around Alden's neck as his arms encircled my waist. I took in his smell as I had my face bury in his shoulders.

"Whoa, you missed me that much?" He was so much taller than me, which is why my feet were literally above the ground.

"Missed me with that bullshit," was the first thing that came out of my mouth then I heared him chuckle.

I continued, "Let me rephrase that real quick... Duh. I've been trying to contact you for 3 hours. "

He ruffled my hair after putting me back down on the ground, "I've missed you too, Quinn."

I can't help but enjoy our little moment then and there, but my attention suddenly shifted when I saw that were two more people with us.

There's Duke and.. Maddison? I think she's a cheerleader.

All of a sudden, Alden went to Maddison's side as my brother took a step closer to my side.

I gave my best what's happening look at Duke, because I honestly can't process why this Maddison girl is here with us.

"I don't know," Duke mouthed.

But when Alden took her hand in his, I felt a wave wash over me. Its like an alarm was set off inside my head and everything started going haywire.

Because in that moment I knew what this is all about.

And when Alden opened his mouth again, even when all I heard was the world 'girlfriend', I felt everything around me stop for a moment and then all at once it came crashing down.

I blacked out.

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