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I was munching on my strawberries in the middle of our snack break when Kyle brought up something, "Oh, did I mention a lower year called Quinn, 'Ma'am', awhile ago?"

They were silent for a moment as they took in what Kyle said, then, as if planned, they all bursts into laughter. I gave Kyle a glare.

When morning classes are done, everyone continue their preparation for the festival. Kyle and I, of course, have to check on their progress. Earlier this day, when I approached a freshman to ask how they were doing, she called me 'ma'am' before and after her sentence.

"I just don't understand, why they would act like that," I grumpily stabbed a spinach before putting it on my mouth.

There were a couple of side glances between my friends, which I refused to react to. "Uuh. Do you really want us to answer that?" Bianca, the cheer leading captain asked, "Let's start with hmm, let's see, the second day of classes where you chewed on a group of freshmen for being rowdy in the hallway. I wasn't there, but I heard you said some pretty nasty things while they were in a kneeling position"

I rolled my eyes, "The hallway was packed enough as it is, they even went ahead and blocked the way for everyone."

"And let's not forget when you poured  your iced coffee over the head of a sophomore, and you  got the teachers to believe you that it was an accident," Daniel pointed out. He's teammates with Duke in the basketball team.

"I was able to do that because A.," I flipped my hair to the sides for dramatic effect, "I'm a straight A student with a clean record. And B? I'm the Vice President of the student body" I pointed my fork  and continued, "And you guys were there. You saw how that sophomore bitch threw her juice over another student, while giggling. That's bullying."

I raised my eyebrow at them, daring my friends to react to my last statement.

Duke followed, "You even had a talk with her after that, telling her you have your eyes on her."

"And I do, I got Bianca's minions to do it for me," I gestured to Bianca. Two sophomores in her team was more than happy to check on their classmate for me.

Kyle shook his head at me, "And you wonder why students scatter to the sides like the red sea with Moses, when they see you. See, they are either scared of you or they look up to you."

Emma, Bianca's team mate nodded with quite vigor, "Yeah, because Bianca's the 'It Girl' while you, Quinn Anders, is the 'Queen Bee'. You even have the name for it."

"Oh, I'm a Queen Bee now? Bianca, really? What's this a fucking teen movie?" I scowled, and noticed Jacob looking entertained, "Jacob, if you have anything to input please, the floor is yours"

We had a quick eye contact from across the table, when I suddenly realized the favor I asked him this morning, "No.. Jacob! No,  just.. forget it," Jacob was keeping himself from laughing while Kyle just straight up howled.

The rest of the gang looked between the three of us, asking what happened. I didn't even try to stop Kyle anymore from telling the story, which made everyone laugh out loud again, because it proved the point they were pointing out.

When everyone finally settled down, we went our separate ways again to continue preparing for the festival.

While I was supervising the making of the unfinished decorations, I just realized how I haven't seen Alden lately.

"Here?" the one putting up the lights on the ceiling asked and I gave a thumbs up.

I didn't know just how much I liked Alden only when he found himself a girlfriend. I think what hurts more than my broken heart, was my ego. I'm not the type of person who compares herself to another but if you put me and his girlfriend side by side, its obvious just how different we are.

I knew that Alden can't possible have romantic feelings for me, which I've accepted ages ago. But if I add the type of girl he's in love with, it just hurts more.

Ugh, just focus on the work, Quinn. The sun's still up, not exactly the time to face your feelings.

I jumped when a familiar voice came up behind me, putting his arms over my shoulder, "What is Miss Anders grumpy about again, hmm?"

I noticed just how close Alden's smiling face was from mine which made my heart shake a little. Just a little.

I raise a brow, "Grumpy?"

"You were frowning. We haven't seen each other lately, and here I see you with your brows knitted together," he made an exaggerated copy of my expression.

I slapped him by the shoulder, "Am not!"

I mean, you were the reason I was frowning, stupidly charming idiot.

He laughed, and while his right hand was resting over my shoulders, he used his left hand to pinch my cheeks together, "So how is our resident sweetie? Its been what? Two days since we haven't seen each other? That's a long time for us."

I made an attempt to tell him to let go of me, but because he was pinching my face, the sound I made came out indistinguishable. So I pinched his left arm until he finally let go, "Ouch, ouch"

"You could've told me to let go, that hurts," Alden frowned in a teasing manner, knowing I tried telling him. Before I could respond, Kyle approached us, returning from the art room to collect some materials.

"What's up" Kyle fist-bumped with Alden. "Everything's almost done here. Anything to be done in other areas?" I asked Kyle as I took a quick scan around as far as my neck can turn since Alden's hand was still fully intact over me.

When Kyle didn't respond, I looked and saw him staring at Alden's hand that was resting on my shoulder. I craned my neck to catch his attention, "Kyle?" Eventually, he looked at me and smiled, "Oh yeah, actually.. they need help with the mural back in the art room"

"Oh," I casually shrugged away from Alden's hold of me, "I thought that was finished.. okay, let's go then. Bye, Alden. See you in two business days again," I snickered looking back as we walked away, to which Alden responded with only a, "See you, sooner than that hopefully"

I was still walking while looking behind me because I stared at the bracelet dangling in Alden's hand while he walked to the opposite direction.

Alden's not the type to wear those things.

I flinched when Kyle held me by the wrist, pulling me to his other side where I'm besides the lockers, "Can you at least watch where your going, you almost bumped the kids carrying paint"

"Okay," I absentmindedly muttered, wondering if that bracelet was from his girlfriend. But before I even go down my spiral of emotions, I pulled myself together by slapping both my cheeks with both hands.

"So, what's not finish with the mural?" I asked as we arrive at the art room.

Kyle was looked at me as if weirded out, "You know, I think I heard them wrong. The art club probably told me they finished it." I whipped my head towards him, "You're kidding me. Kyle, please, if you need to lay down for a second then go for it," I joked.

Things went more smoothly on the last day of preparations. A few more tweaks here and there and everything was set.

The festival starts on a Friday, where its mostly us students having a friendly competition in different types of sport games. Then comes Saturday where its open to other people outside the school. Booths are set-up by the students, there are also other entertainments such as a haunted house. Cafes were also done by other classes. And many more.

And so finally, the School Festival begins.

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