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"My skin is burning!" Madisyn groaned, drawing out the last word. "What is it, like 200° out here?"

We had been at the pool for about two hours, and I had to agree, Madisyn did look pretty tan.

"We should probably head back, see what the others are doing," Israel suggested.

So we gathered up our stuff and ventured towards the dorms. The boys threw T-shirts over their heads as we walked, and it was funny watching them try to do so whilst holding beach towels. Madisyn and I giggled while they tried to defend their clumsiness.

"Hey, didn't Salem say something earlier about playing music during free time?" Israel said to Hosea.

"Um... I don't know."

"Does anyone want to check it out? They should be in the chapel somewhere if they're still playing."

"Not me," Madisyn piped up. "I want to take a shower and get all this chlorine out of my hair."

"Yeah, I'm really tired," Hosea chimed in. "I think I'm gonna take a nap before dinner."

"Well I'll go," I said, not wanting him to get completely turned down.

"Can you go by yourselves?" Hosea asked, referring to the buddy system.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. We're just going to the chapel anyway. They can't arrest us for going to church," Israel joked. "Come on, Em."

It registered in my ears that he'd just called me 'Em' instead of Emory. Had he already given me a nickname?

I followed him to the chapel, where we did, in fact, find Salem, along with a girl and guy I didn't recognize. Israel introduced them as Evie and Lane, from his youth band, before we had fully approached.

When we got there, they were singing and playing a beautiful song I'd never heard before. Evie's strong voice powered the song, while Salem strummed his acoustic, and Lane played some sort of drum pattern against the wooden chair he sat on.

Evie seemed to be starting a new verse. "But you keep standing at a the shadow of your shame. There's a light of hope that's shining. Won't you come and take your place?"

Then she broke out in chorus, her voice a mix of falsetto and rasp. "And bring it all to the table. There's nothing He ain't seen before. For all your fear, all your sorrow and your sadness, there's a Savior and He calls. Bring it all to the table."

Israel and I stood, listening. I took in the lyrics and what they seemed to be saying directly to me. Bring everything and lay it at His feet.

Evie continued on into the next verse. "He can see the weight you carry. The fear that holds your heart. But through the cross you've been forgiven. You're accepted as you are. So bring it all to the table..."

You're accepted as you are. This song was telling me that God loved me just the way I was, and that I could lay all my burdens and sorrows at His feet. I got chills at the thought.

When they were finished, Israel and I began to clap. Evie hadn't noticed us, she was so lost in the song. "Oh! I didn't see you there."

"That was beautiful. What song is that?" I asked.

"It's called 'To the Table,' by Zach Williams."

"Who's that..?"

"He sings 'Chainbreaker,' if you know that song," she explained, but I hadn't heard that one either, so I shook my head apologetically.

"Anyway, do you guys want to join?" Evie asked.

"I'm good. I didn't bring my instrument," Israel replied. "But Evie, your voice is sick. You should be singing lead, not background."

She blushed. "It's okay, really. But thanks. We've been working on this for youth."

"It sounds really good."

I stood back quietly, not knowing what to add.

"Do you want to sing with us, Emory?" Salem piped up.

I put a hand over my heart. "Me? Um, I don't know, I don't really sing."

"As in you can't, or you don't like to in public?" He raised a questioning brow.

"Well, I guess one song wouldn't hurt," I caved. "But I only really know hymns from church."

"What's your favorite?" Lane asked.

"Probably 'Jesus Paid It All.'"

"Beautiful. Let's do it," Evie encouraged.

I blushed, afraid to get out of my comfort zone. The most singing I did for other people was putting Ezra to sleep with lullabies. Still, I joined them in the circle and allowed Salem to strum a few chords before I began.

"I hear the Savior say, thy strength indeed is small. Child of weakness, watch and pray. Find in me thine all in all. 'Cause Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow..."

When it was over, I covered my face with my hands, but everyone was cheering me on.

"Um, I should probably go get ready for dinner," I mumbled. I had to admit, it had felt sort of freeing, to sing with abandon. To sing a song full of contentment and love. But that didn't change the fact that I'd just stepped way out of my comfort zone.

The introvert in me was begging to be alone, even for just a minute.

- - -
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I know the last one was like, 2000+ words. 😂 But just so you know, I attached the Zach Williams song, so you can listen to it if you want. Hopefully it shows up for everyone!

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