- f l y n n a p p l e b y

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in which Ruby's best friend is also her ex boyfriend, flynn. Things escalate when she shows interest in one of Flynn's teammates, Callum.

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September 13th 2018

flynn: hey when are you coming to the hospital? they changed visiting hours.

me: sorry I can't come in today xx callum's taking me out to the movies so I'll see you tomorrow before surgery okay A?
me: don't be mad
me: i know you're reading these
me: alright I'll cancel my date
me: no wait I'm really excited for it so no I won't cancel my date

flynn: I'm not mad ruby
flynn: it's fine just come tomorrow yeah?

me: yay!!! I'm so happy! Aren't you excited for me to go on a date??
me: I haven't been on a date since we broke up.
me: quick tell me all the bad things I did when we were dating so I know how to improve

flynn: you'll be fine roo. just be yourself. callum's a decent guy.

me: okay okay. Imma get ready now. cya tomorrow x
me: also stop calling me roo

flynn: bye baby

I felt uncomfortable at at his words. He would always call me that when we were dating, it was odd that he would stick with pet name.

Before setting my phone down, I quickly messaged Calum confirming we were still going out at 4:30 to which he quickly replied with: of course x. I then shuffled my playlist before proceeding with my "date night" routine.


September 14th 2018

flynn: hey how was your date? My surgery's at 1:30pm and you'd have to leave by 12 so let me know when your here.
flynn: are you awake?
flynn: it's 9:30.
flynn: I assumed you were still on your jog.
flynn: cmon ruby answer
flynn: I can see you on the chat dumbass

me: I'm really sorry
me: I'm at Callum's house, his parents invited me to go with them to their beach house

flynn: ...?

me: I'm in Dromana
me: I'm sorry I completely forgot and there's no way I'll get to Epworth in 2 hours

flynn: whatever
flynn: do what you want idc

me: flynn I'm so sorry don't be mad

flynn: no you know what?
flynn: I am mad
flynn: I'm mad because my best friend forgot about me, ditched me after promising TWICE she would be here!
flynn: do you just not want to see me?
flynn: we've been broken up for just over a month now
flynn: things are only starting to get weird this week because of you.
flynn: maybe we should've just cut all ties
flynn: because this would hurt a whole lot less
flynn: just whatever have fun in dromana

me: flynn
me: fck I'm sorry
me: please
me: I don't wanna cut ties
me: we've always been best friends
me: I'm not trying to make it weird
me: I have to tell you something
me: but I can't explain over text. It's not how I wanna do it
me: I'm on my way now
me: please know I'm so sorry


In what seemed to be frantic gesture, throwing money at the taxi and running inside the hospital was all a blur. All I knew was that I had been selfish, inconsiderate and a bad friend. I had my mind set on getting over Flynn this past week, which wa difficult to do because we were alway with each other.

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