- p a t r i c k l i p i n s k i

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In which Ruby and Paddy's relationship is put to the test when lying, paranoia and certain trouble makers get in the way.

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"Pat? What did you get for 4a?" I asked not looking up from my notebook, continuing to work my way through the math questions. It was my first year in Math Methods and honestly; algebra sucks butt.

"33.4," He said, neither of us had made eye contact once.

"Well fuck." I swore before placing my fore head in my hands which was leaning on my desk. I looked in Patrick's direction. "How did I get 59.46."

"You need to times the diameter by pie then square the result." He still hadn't looked at me and I was yet to notice. He always made eye contact.

"Yeah but- hey." I stopped talking noticing he was just staring at his phone, not even working. I tried not to be a jealous girlfriend, but I just couldn't. "Pat?" He still didn't look at me, his eyes fixed upon his phones bright screen. Amateur. I thought. Doesn't even know how to hide his phone in class.

"Patrick? Ruby? Everything all good back there?" And as the teacher spoke from his desk, all of the students who were silently working or were muttering small words to each other, snapped their heads towards my boyfriend and I.

"Yep." Pat said, before finally looking at me dead in the eyes. "We're fine."

The teacher nodded and everyone's head moved back to their work like before. I was confused. What had gotten into him? Was it something I said?

"Patrick." I whispered. "What the fuck did I do?" I harshly said noticing that he wasn't looking at me again. I observed his body language. His body was hunched over, turned so his back was a little bit towards me as he sat in his chair. His phone sat in his lap but his knee slightly bounced suggesting he was nervous about something. His knuckles of his left hand were white from gripping hard on his pencil and his other hand had his phone steadily. I looked at his face which looked of no emotion except anger.

"Fine."I huffed, "don't talk to me. I don't see what I did wrong." I fell back in my chair and folded my arms. For the next 25 minutes I
proceeded to sit and stare at my textbook, glad my teacher didn't notice much of it.

The bell finally rang and you can bet that I was ready to get out of that class and away from Patrick as soon as I possibly could. That fucking asshat. He could at least man up and tell me why he was so angry and annoyed at me. "Ruby." He called once we were in the hallway.

"Oh so now you wanna talk?" I smartly remarked continuing to walk and increasing my pace.

"It wasn't the time or place, Ruby." I heard his calm voice try and reason. He was so goddamn calm and I was insane and angry and that's what made me love our relationship. We balanced each other out.

We had been together for about a year and we had a love like none other because we always argued and annoyed and pissed off each other but that made us stronger. I wanted him every time I wasn't with him and I only wanted him. I was an oddball who had a strange obsession with adoration and infatuation. He was a guy that just wanted to love someone and whilst there were many girls who were willing to love him, he wanted me.

"Time or place?" I questioned, astounded by his use of words. "Time or place for what?!"

"Just! Never mind, Ruby. You're just so difficult." I dropped my jaw slightly at his word choice once again. What was happening?

"I'm difficult?! You're the one who ignored me for no reason at all and now? You're not even telling why! And you have the nerve to tell me that I am difficult!" I dropped my book on my locker in anger and angrily fidget with my lock. I looked at Pat and his eyes were as soft as always. His face always made it hard to be mad at him. He reached forward to help me with my fumbling but I smacked his hand away.
"Piss off, I'm angry at you."

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