Episode 4: The Betrayal PART 2

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Betty turns behind her and she saw the dark purple guy, the one who killed Chara, Sans and Asriel, and he was talking with her like he knew her.

???: "So.........Did you remember?"

Betty was confused: she didn't know who was that guy even if he was familiar, like he was important in her life.

Betty: "Who are you? Do we know each other?"

??? started to laugh: "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Betty became more confused: "Uh? Why are you laughing?"

The guy laugh for a while, until he returned to talk.

???: "Wow......I never predict that you would lost your memory: I though you would recognise me!"

Betty: "Uh? What are you talking about?"

The guy shouted for a while: he was thinking about something.

Betty scream: "HELLO?! Are you listen to me?!"

???: "I can leave you in the dark, but I think you would remember everything after a while, so........."

??? became serious: "I'll end this quick"

Betty was a little bit scared: "W-What are you talking about?"

??? return calm:" It's funny you know, I'm the only one who actually cared about you of all this years!"

Betty: "I don't remember you! And if that's true, why did you say that before?"

???: "Allow me to explain you everything........."

???: "......my student"

After heard those words Betty remember who was that guy, even if she couldn't remember his name.

Betty: "M-Master......"

??? started to talk, while Betty remember those moments of her life.


Betty(young): "Please don't hurt me! Please stop! It hurts!"

Betty was punching by a group of three bullies, while a fourth one kept Akumu in a vase.

Bully1: "AH! And you call yourself a soul?! Even the babies have much strength!"

Bully2: "Yeah! Looks it like you were born to become a Loser!"

Bully3: "Losers as you don't deserve to pass in this way!"

Kumu tried to freed himself but with only a foot the bully kept him away from Betty.

???:" Ahem!"

After heard that voice, the three bullies stop punching Betty and they looked scared towards the voice, Betty couldn't see anything because she was dizzy for the punches.

Bully4: "D.P.D!"

Bully3: "Professor! Sorry for the noise!"

Bully1: "We were just abo......"

The young professor summoned his halberd: "ABOUT TO LEAVE!?GOOD IDEA! DO IT AND FAST POSSIBLE!"

The four doesn't though twice and they run in the opposite direction of the professor.

D.P.D scream: "And don't forget the homework for tomorrow!"

After said that "D.P.D", as the four bullies called him, freed Akumu from the vase and went in the direction of Betty.

Kumu helped Betty to get up, while the professor looked Betty.

Betty(young): "Thanks sir! Thank you so......."

D.P.D: "Pathetic!"

Betty was confused: "What?"

D.P.D: "I can sense a great power coming from your soul, and you didn't stand a chance against three of my more stupid students."

Betty was surprised: that guy could feel her soul and he didn't even touch it!

D.P.D: "It's obvious that you don't know how to use your power....... How about your friend?"

Betty(young): "Oh......he is Akumu, Kumu for shorts......and well......he is a part of my soul"

D.P.D started to get interested: "Really!? Wow! That chance things a lot."

Betty was still confused: "What!?What do you mean?"

D.P.D: "You see......if your friend is a part of you, that means your soul is not at his full capacity, and if I saw great power only with a part of it."

Betty said, sadly: "Who cares......I'm just a weakling......I can't even protect myself"

D.P.D hesitated a moment, then he returned serious.

D.P.D: "Follow me"

Betty and Kumu followed the professor, they left the city and they stopped in a big valley.

Betty(young): "Why are we here?"

Betty asked to the professor but she didn't hear a response, then she looked back and the professor disappeared.

Betty(young): "What the.......?!"

Then Kumu heard a noise, and everything he could see was a halberd which was going to hit Betty, so he transformed into a scythe, blocking it.

Betty looked behind and she noticed that the professor tried to attack her.

Betty (young):" What?!"

D.P.D: "As I though......Kumu can fight too, even if his abilities are only a microbus fraction of your full abilities."

Betty(young): "I don't get it professor"

D.P.D: "I can help you unlocked your full potential, then you can take care about everyone who'll stop you"

Betty(young): "But why? Why are you helping me?"

D.P.D: "Because......"

D.P.D: "......I hate seeing people when they can do much better than that"

From this day, Betty started training with the professor, and after only a few weeks the results started to come out.

The firsts training lessons were the most difficult, because Betty only though about learn how to defend or attack and not how dodge.

D.P.D (During one training): "You have to learn how to dodge or improve something when the enemy attack, because if he's stronger than you he'll broke your defense"

With more training D.P.D, which even Betty started to call him with this nickname, tough the girl how to use Kumu for combos and other thing in battle.

Betty kept training, learning and improving herself every day, until...... 

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