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Mays pov

Drew and I stayed at the cave for awhile. We said sorry for bothering her, but she didn't care. "I don't often get company, so it's fine" she said. Suddenly a flygon flew into the cave. It looked distressed. Annabel frowned. "something's wrong" she said. We all climbed on its back, and it took off. Suddenly we gasped. Team rocket was taking all the Pokemon. "Team rocket!!!" we shouted. "Prepare for trouble" Jessie started. "yeah yeah, just what do you think your doing?" Annabel questioned. "why, I'm glad you asked. Where going to Steel all these Pokemon" they answered. "I don't think so" Annabel replied.

No ones pov

Annabel let out a battle cry and all the Pokemon held there ground. Suddenly arceus flew down. Annabel jumped on its back. What the??? Drew and May both thought. Then they saw some one they least expected."Harley!!!" They yelled. He had a team rocket outfit on. Then arceus let out a solar beam and the blasted off.

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