Chapter 1

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Keri POV :

"Carter, Alaysha, Keri, and Noland, take your behinds to bed, you have school tomorrow. " said Marie.

My sister, brother and I heard mama yell to go to bed. We didn't want to, but it was our last day of school tomorrow for Christmas Break, and we were excited. But then again Carter wasn't gone yet, still.

But we went to sleep anyways, mostly because we didn't want to hear her mouth again tonite.

Kiera POV :

I had just yelled at my children telling them to go to sleep, when my amazing husband walked out the bathroom from his shower.

I love this man so much, till its crazy. I know he loves me to, but what he does honestly despises me.

"Hey Honey!" I said, happy to see my husband, I hadn't seen him all day, and went crazy every time I thought about him.

"Hey" he said, sounding mad and dry. I wondered what was wrong with him as he looked for a shirt, some gym shorts, and some boxers.

"Um, bae...what's wrong ?" I said, being curious. "Nothing." he said dryly.

I could see right through his lying face."Babe, you know that I know that your lying, what's up baby you can tell me anything.

"Kiera, I really don't feel like talking about my day, it was long and rough and tiresome, let's just go to sleep." he said.

"But, Chris.." I started to say, before he interrupted me. "No Kiera! Just go to sleep, I'm tired and I know you are, now good night!" he yelled loud enough so I can hear, and softly so the children couldn't hear him.

He had truly hurt my feelings, I wondered what was wrong with him. He turned my way and I stared a hole in his face and he looked at me, then turned around. I turned away and cryed my self to sleep, hoping in the morning he wouldn't be so salty.

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