Chapter 18

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It was the last class of the day, and I was ready to go to practice and get my ass out of here.

I was in Social Studies, class texting Ky, he stupid af I swear he be having me feeling some type of way.

*Text Convo*

Ky- Can I say something?

Me- Sure, Wassup ?

Ky- I like you ite ? K now bye.

Me- NOOO Wait Come Back .. I Lowkey Like You Too

I noticed that bell ring and my ass was out that class so fast, I swear I think I was the first one out. As soon as i was freshly out the damn door of the classroom the dang teacher called me .

Mr. Peterson : Um, Keri, Your not doing too well inside of this class. I don't know what has gotten into you but you used to do really good. Your grade went from a 97 to a 66. That's more than 2 letter grade drops.

Ughh something else I need to hear, this is great .

Mr. Peterson: I'm sorry to tell you this but your failing my class as of for this 2nd semester.  Here you go .

As he handed me this report card and an F for his stupid class quiz. I was hot fed up and just wanted Ky .. wonder if he texted back ? I turned around and checked ..

Ky- Bbg !

Ky- Wya ?

Ky- Ik you see me texting you Keri

Ky- Answer Mann

Me- Yes Ky ?

Ky- i missed talking to you mann ...

Me- No You Don't, You Missed Talking To Your Girl .. So Go Fuck With Him.

Me- Oops I mean her...wait no I didn't go mess with him cus yo bitch looks like a man .

Ky- Mann ion even like that hoe no more .. i want you .

Mr. Peterson: Keri...Keri...KERI JOHNSON!

Oh shit I was so busy texting Ky I wasn't even paint attention to this old dusty ninja turtle looking ass man.

Me: Yes Peterson ?

Mr. Peterson: Put a hook on it or you'll be in detention tomorrow. It is Mr. Peterson to you and you know that. 

Someone really pissed in his drink . He ttipping for no reason whatsoever.

Mr.Peterson: But anyways back to your grades,if you don't start paying attention and participating , I'm gong to have no choice but to fail you for the entire course.  Have a nice day.

I started walking to my locker posses from what my teacher told me and wondering what Ky said back.Then again I'm  not even gonna looking to see if he responded back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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