Chapter 11

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   I know, I know 😫I'm not your fav person right now💔I took so long to update 🤧I'm really sorry for not updating in a while😭love you guys❤️❤️


I took my phone from the bedside drawer and headed outside. There, I spotted the two brothers waiting for me. Today will be my first day in 200 level.

  How time flies....35 weeks ago, I was living peacefully with my Ammi and Dada, living with no care, all I care about was eat, chat, go to school, go to islamiyya and so on. But here I am all grown up, being responsible and doing what is right.

I just came out of my morning lesson, as I walked majestically to the cafeteria, I met Saadah and hafiz, my fav people. We walked to the cafeteria in silence. We sat down and they wished me happy birthday. Of course I wouldn't forget my birthday, after eating they refused to leave saying I should sit because they're waiting for something.

    We were discussing an assignment when a lady clad up in a beige gown approached us with a box.

    We exchanged pleasantries as she sat down and handed them the box.

      "Here it is" she said as she stood up to leave

        "Thank you so much" they said in unison and she left.

        "So happy birthday once again" Saadah said as she brought the cake closer to me

     "This is our present, hope you like it?" She added looking at hafiz and he nodded and smiled.

       "Oh my God! Thank youuuu so much!!! I really appreciate...I love it"

       "I'm glad you loved it"

I stretched my hands and yawned, I can finally go home and rest after this agonizing lectures. I walked out and we went back home.

   I took a shower and put on a burgundy top and a black straight skirt, descending the stairs I met Abdullah by the kitchen rolling up his sleeves.

    "Mallam Audu, what are you up to?"

    "Ahhh birthday girl! Just going to help ummi in the kitchen"

     I joined them in the kitchen and for the first time we baked a cake together. A birthday cake for me. That's how ummi made us to snap pictures and we ended up snapping different pictures, together with Abdullah and Ummi.

      We went up to pray while Abdullah went to the masjid. After Asr, I met Abdullah and Yahaya sitting down. Yahaya was just pressing his phone while Abdullah was eagerly munching his cake, I grabbed a plate and a fork from the kitchen and also sat down to munch the cake.

We almost finished the cake in two good hours. We talked, talked and talked about everything and anything while munching the cake.

   Okay, okay....when I said we talked about everything, I mean with Abdullah. Like seriously this Yahaya Guy has been sitting down there for two freaking hours and didn't say a word. The guy has been pressing his phone and raising his head once in a while to look at us. Is that even normal?
Even when we ate cake in the car with Abdullah he didn't eat

     The muezzin calling the Adhaan interrupted my thoughts and I stood up to pack everything to the kitchen before going up to pray.

Abdullah's  pov
Today being Monday and also my first day in 300 level. I woke up early and freshened up before going to greet Ummi, I met her there with Yahaya talking about only God knows. I greeted them and we went down to have our breakfast,even though Yahaya didn't eat.

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