" Miles "

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Tristan's Point Of View

It's been 4 weeks since I last saw that Miles guy . 4 weeks since we made out in front of his trailer home . Is it crazy that I'm worried about this guy ? I know that he's crazy and on some serious drugs but I still care ... I guess it's just the type of person I am ...

" Tristan .. Guess who's home " my dad walked into the kitchen where I was making chocolate chip cookies .

" Rihanna ? I knew she'd find her way " I said holding my heart smiling at him . He laughed .

" In your dreams boy .. " he said chuckling .

" Its Me " Owen came in dropping his bag to the ground .

" Omg " I said dropping my oven mitts on the counter and going over to hug him .

" I missed you too brother , believe it or not " he said hugging me back tightly .

" How long are you here for ? " I asked . He's been away at college .

" Well , I decided to take a year off . Get my funds where they need to be and then head back " he explained .

" Well good , That's actually good timing " I said .

" For what exactly ? " My dad asked intrigued.

" Well since Adam quit last week , we need a new morning person at the motel " I said

" .. You're absolutely right son . We can keep this a family business " my dad said standing in the middle of us hugging our necks .

" .. I mean I was just gonna punch a clock in at a Starbucks or something but I guess this is a step up .. maybe " Owen said laughing .

" I promise not to work you too hard son .. but it is a lot of work if were gonna turn the motel into a small hotel " my dad said .

" Dad the motel is basically Bates Motel . We'd have to totally revamp if thats gonna happen " i said

" Let's not be a negative Nancy Tristan " Owen said sneaking a cookie .

" Hey ! Those aren't for you " I said grabbing the plate .

" But they smell so good boy " My dad said grabbing one for himself . " Taste good too "

" What can I say I'm a baking genius " I said flattering myself .

" Who are these for anyway ? I know we wouldn't catch you eating carbs " Owen asked laughing .

" Shut Up , none of your business " i said wrapping the cookies .

" Some hot guy you met " My dad said

" I'm gonna pretend like you didn't say that " I said

" Yeah , me too dad " Owen said laughing and walking upstairs .

" Don't use my body wash when you shower ! " I yelled up the stairs.

" I won't ... Use that much ! " He yelled back . I shook my head .

" I love having you boys here together " My dad came over hugging my shoulder .

" .... Hey dad , you think I could maybe , borrow the car tonight ? I wanna run some errands before the day is over " I explained. 

" Hmmm I don't know , you know I have to be by the motel tonight to meet with the inspector " he said

" Yeah , I just wanna make a quick run and then I'll be right back " I said grabbing the keys and grabbing the cookies as well .

MOTEL 6 ( A Triles Story ) Where stories live. Discover now