My Guy

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Tristan's Point of View

Waking up in his arms felt surreal . He actually smelt good . His once dark eyes were now bright and he looked much cleaner than before . He was beautiful under all of that sickness . And he was mine ... For that moment .

" .. What the fuck ?! " He jumped up quickly out of his sleep .

" What's wrong ? Calm down " I said grabbing his shoulders .

" Let me go ! You're working with him ! " he screamed into my face .

" Please calm down , you're going to wake my dad " I said walking him back to the couch slowly . " I swear I'm not working with anyone. I promise " I said reassuring him.

" ........ " He sat back down starring into nowhere .

" Tristan what the hell is all of that noise ? " My dad came rushing down the stairs .

" Dad ... I can explain " I said

" I want this guy out of my house now Tristan , I mean it " he said .

" We were just about to leave " I said grabbing my jacket .

" Wait , isn't this the damn guy that stole and crashed my car ? " My dad asked .

" Five months ago and you have a new car dad stop it " I said .

" ... He's right , I should go " Miles said getting up .

" And were both going to go , together " I said helping him up and walking upstairs past my dad .

" Tristan " My dad called out

I turned around . " Yes dad ? "

" Be careful out here ... with him .. alright ? " He said .

" Yes of course dad " I nodded and then left out with him .

" ..... Look you can just take me back to the Trailers and I'll go from there " He said getting into the car.

" .. I thought you didn't want to get caught by your dad ? " I questioned him .

" ... You're trying to save me some kind of way and it's not going to work . My dad is powerful , you'll get yourself hurt " He said .

A smile slowly grew onto my face . " You Care about my safety ? "

" What is wrong with you ? You take nothing serious " He said .

" I'm just saying . It's starting to sound like you care about me " I said .

" Well , I don't so let's move on from the topic " he said .

I looked out the window for a second to smile and then looked back onto the road . " I know you're not gay , as you claim , but you ever felt anything with a guy ? "

" .. That's the dumbest shit you've ever asked me " he said

" I'm just saying , you seemed pretty comfortable with putting your lips on mine " I said smirking .

" ... Just shut your mouth "

" I'm just saying .. "

" I mean it ! " he yelled .

" Why do you get so offensive when I ask about your sexuality ? It's 2018 , it's not that big of a deal ! " I exclaimed .

MOTEL 6 ( A Triles Story ) Where stories live. Discover now