Author's Note

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It's Nate and I have decided to write a sequel to my recent Larry Stylinson fanfic, Loved By You. As of right now, I have no idea where this book is going, I have just gotten many requests to write it so I'm kinda just gonna start writing and hope it ends somewhere good. If you still haven't read Loved By You, I highly recommend it considering this book won't make much sense to you if you don't so... Yeah. Below is the description of this book, in case you are still yet to read it. As I said earlier, I have no idea where this is going so I just used Chapter One for reference in writing the desc. Okay, now I'm starting to ramble.

I love you all!


"Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, both members of extremely popular boy band, One Direction have developed a secret relationship with each other and are scheduled to get married in the near future. However, after Louis keeps a twitcam going a little too long, the boys are faced with some hardships as the world finds out that Larry Stylinson is, in fact, a thing."

Nothing's Fine - Sequel to "Loved By You"Where stories live. Discover now