Chapter Six: "Fuckers!"

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I walked into his room and sat on his bed right next to him.

"Hey!" I said as I looked over at him. He was just staring at the wall. He'd been like this all day and I wans't gonna let him continue. "Liam!" I said hitting his arm. He snapped out of it and gave me a look. "What is wrong baby?"

"Oh nothing Niall. You wouldn't understand."

"Really? Try me."

"No, I'm fine Niall. I promise."

"No Liam, you aren't fine! You've been sitting here staring at the fucking wall since we woke up! What the hell is going on?"

"It's about Harry and Louis!" I stopped for a second, completley shocked by this answer.

"What about them Li?"

"I'm scared. What if the fans completley turn against them! What if Simon tries to break them up? Do you not see how everyone's reaction to their situation is going to dictate what we do with ours? I do not want to have to hide our relationship forever Niall!" he broke down in tears and I brought him in for a hug.

"It's okay baby. I swear. If Simon doesn't react politley to them, then he won't react politley to us. I see that. But what I also see is that there is nothing he can do about it. If 4/5 of One Direction is gay, there really isn't much he can do. I mean yeah he can publicily seperate us, and yeah he can tell us that we are broken up but the thing about it is... I will always love you. And there is nothing anyone can do to make that stop. I don't care if One Direction has to break up in order for us to be together, I want you. And nothing but you."

"Are you sure Niall? You would rather be with me than the band?"

"Any day Liam. Any day."

We hugged and I felt him smile on my shoulder. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

Just then the front door opened and Harry and Louis both entered in tears. My heart dropped.

"What happened?" I asked a little too loudly.

"He said we have to break up." Harry said.

"He said we were a disgrace and that he was considering dropping the whole band!" Louis piped in.

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?" Liam said, standing up.

They both immeditley stopped crying.

"No!" they said in unison. "He was actually quite understanding said he was proud of us."

"Fuckers!" Liam said as he threw a pillow at them, missing completley.

"But we are gonna get personal bodyguards so that people dont abuse us as we walk down the street." said Louis "And there is actually something we need to tell you guys."

"What?" me and Liam said

"Simon said that his only wish was that we had told him sooner. So we were thinking maybe that's what you guys could do. We understand it really is none of our buissines, but we just wanted to throw that idea out there. So, think about it."

I looked at my boyfriend. He was still a bit rattled from the fake news the boys had delivered upon entry. I walked over and took him in my arms.

"We need to think about this." I said to him. He nodded into the pillow he was holding.

There was an awkward silence.



Another filler chapter, but hey! At least I can tell you that the next one is gonna be DRAMA!!!. Its true. Super awesome drama. Yep. Flash, bang, poof! WHATS UP BITCHES?!? Okay, I need to stop!

Love you all!


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