Chapter Sixteen: The Day I Became A Stylinson- Part Two

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I sat on the curb and stared out into the parking lot. What am I doing? Why am I so nervous? It's just a wedding! Except for it wasn't just a wedding. It was the official bonding between me, and the boy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. The one whom I have fallen completley head over heels for. The one that I knew was my true soul mate.

"Hey" he said as he took a seat next to me on my curb.

"Isn't this bad luck? You know, to see each other before the..." I started

"I'm pretty sure that rule only applies to hetro marriages." He said as he brought his hand to my face and wiped away a tear with his thumb. I hadn't even realized I was crying. "What's wrong love? Why are you out here?"

"Because Louis!" I managed through the now steady stream of tears flowing from my eyes "Im nervous! I'm so nervous! I was practically hyperventilating in there so I ran out get some fresh air."

"I'm nervous too Haz. But it's okay! Nothing bad is going to happen. I promise. I love you more than anything in the entire world and I would give my left leg to be with be with you!"

"That doesn't really make sense but I appreciate the gesture." I said. We chuckled together. He put his arm around me.

"This is it Harry. This is the last day that we will just be boyfriends! From today on, we are legal partners! This is big."

"Yeah, it sure is! Which is why I'm confused as to why you're so calm at the moment."

"Oh I already had my freak out moment in my prep room. My mum calmed me down. Now it's my turn to calm you down!"

"Awe, you don't have to. I'm just... So in love with you. And I want to be with you forever."

"And you will be. That's what today is all about!"

"You've got a point." We chuckled again. "Lou, let me ask you something?" I said as I reached my hand into my pocket.

"Of course!"

He gasped when I pulled out the silver necklace. It said "Life" on

"Do you remember this?.

"Yes! Of course I do! It's the necklace you gave me on our one year anniversary! You must have saved it from the fire!"

"Yes. I did." I said as I put it around his neck. "Do you understand why it says 'Life'?"

"Actually no." He said "I didn't want to sound stupid but I never understood it."

"It means that I wanted to be with you forever. I wanted you to be my world for the rest of eternity. I wanted to one day be at this chapel in Seattle, Washington and become THE Harry Stylinson!"

He chuckled "Stylinson?"

"Yeah! It's the last name of our pairing! You know, Larry Stylinson?"

"Oh. Okay."

"The fact is,I wanted to be with you for life. And I still do want to be with you for life. I want you so much Louis."

He hugged me tight.

"I want the exact same thing." He said. We were about to lean in for a kiss before a man with a camera came up to us.

"Hey! Louis and Harry! Aren't you guys supposed to be inside... Getting married?" He asked.

"We are having a moment here you tacky beast! Go away!" Louis said as he flicked his arm in a "shoo" type of way.

"You're so sassy." I said to him.

"Yep. I have no time for rude people."

"I love you Lou."

"I love you too."







Nothing's Fine - Sequel to "Loved By You"Where stories live. Discover now