Chapter Three: "Here it Goes" - Part One

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We both answered the door together. There was a man who was about 6' tall standing in our doorway.

"Louis Tomlinson? Harry Styles?" he said as we craned our necks to see his face. We both nodded. "Come with me."

"Hold on for a second." Louis said. He turned and grabbed his coat off the rack. Then he turned to me. "Haz, you're gonna be cold out there are you sure you don't want a coat as well?"

He was sweet for thinking of me but I was practically sweating already. "No love, I should be fine."

He crossed his arms and glared at me. "Harold Edward Styles," I rolled my eyes. I hate it when he uses my full name. "It is 20 below zero out there. Let me grab you a coat just in case." the tall man watched as Louis ran upstairs, and into my room to get me a coat.

"Let's go!" he said impatiently.

"Shut up and wait!" said Louis. I turned in awe at my fiancé and looked as he took his time down the stairs.

"What?" said the man

"I said shut up and wait fellow. I can only move as fast as my body will take me. And judging by the fact that Simon didn't sound chipper on the phone yesterday, he's probably gonna deliver some bad news. And bad news is never urgent." I just stared at him. Feeling incredibly proud as he told off this man who could obviously take both of us down with his pinky finger.

"You ready now?" the man said as Lou gave me my coat.

"Yes. We may travel now." he said. I pinched his ass in a way that said 'I'm proud, but you need to stop now.' he glared at me with sass and I kissed his pretty face and smiled.

We entered the van and drove in mostly silence. Except when Louis turned to me with pain in his eyes.

"What's wrong babe?" I said

"My stomach Haz, it hurts!" he said

"It's okay Boobear. You're just nervous." I hugged him tight, then heard a little noise. I pulled back and looked at him sideways. "What was that?" I asked.

"Sorry. That happens when I'm nervous sometimes." he said, beginning to blush.

"It's okay Boobear. Let it out if you makes feel better." I chuckled and he laughed as well.

"You're gonna regret saying that but alright." he said having another laugh. We both laughed all the way to our destination.


We pulled up to the building we knew all too well. The man slid the van door open and said "Second floor". Me and Louis turned to him with confused looks.

"I thought Simon was on the seventh floor." said Louis

"Seventh floor is being renovated and they had to move him."

"Oh. Alright then."

We held hands as we walked in. After all, we were already out, who gives a shit?

In the elevator I looked at him and said,

"Louis, no matter what happens in there today, I want you to know that I love you so much and I will still marry you regardless of what he says."

He hugged me tight.

"Thank you Haz. I love you more than anything."

"I love you too love. How's your tummy?"

"Still kinda hurts. Do you mind?"

"No babe. Go ahead." he let another explosion erupt from his backside and we both had a good laugh at it.

"Better?" I asked, still chuckling a bit.

"Actually, yes." he said. "Sorry love."

"No! Your farts are cute Lou!" I kissed the top of his head as the elevator door slid open revealing the unknown second floor.

We approached the counter.

"Simon Cowell please?" I said to the woman behind the desk. She looked up from her computer and said,

"Yes, Mr. Cowell has been expecting you. Just go down this hallway and take the second door on your left."

"Alright. Thank you!"

We walked down. Louis squeezing my hand so hard, it would've hurt if I wasn't doing the same to his.

We got to a door with a piece of paper taped on it and the words "Simon Cowell" etched on that. I took a deep breath as I gripped the handle.

"Here it goes." I said as I swung it open with a bit more force than I probably should have.



Yeah bitches! What's up? I left a CLIFHANGER because honesty, I don't actually know what Simon is gonna say! HAHAHA! Yep! Admitting that is probably something I should've refrained from but I did it anyway.

And regarding Louis's fart thing, I only added that because that's what happens to me when I get nervous and I wanted Louis and me to be the same! Tmi? Okay. I'll shut the fuck up then.

Love you all!


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