1- FrostShield: Time Stood Still

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Start writing your story

[Disclaimer: I sadly don't own any of the Marvel Characters or the fan art posted unless stated otherwise. Credit to all owners.]

Ruby red eyes met ocean blue eyes and the world stopped. Not literally but it sure as hell seemed like it to Steve.


He had been observing everyone at Tony's party trying to make sure that the other Avengers wouldn't cause too much trouble. After all he was charged with cleaning up once the party died down seeing as he was the only sober person left that night.

Even Bucky had managed to steal some of Thor's Asgardian beer and was now stupidly attempting to give said God a lap dance as per a dare from Clint who was recording them while drunkenly laughing his guts out.

Natasha had opted for some wine that night and was perched at the bar with Pepper giggling ever so often.

"Definitely tipsy" whispered Steve to himself.

Bruce and Tony were both blissfully drunk on the love seat making out to their hearts content. At least Steve knew that the Hulk wouldn't be making his presence known anytime soon.

Steve let out a soft sigh and stood up from his spot on the kitchen counter and swept the living room one more time to take everyone into account.

Thor, Bucky, and Clint.....check.

Pepper ant Nat....check.

Tony and Bruce....check.

Smiling he turned around to get a glass of water when he realized someone was missing. Quickly he spun on his heel and began searching for his small missing raven haired God. Where was Loki?

Steve searched the living room once more, then he went into the hallway and knocked on the bathroom door, when he didn't hear anyone in there he slowly opened the door to find it empty.

There was no way Loki could be in the labs, Tony had made sure to restrict him access and 'Loki Proof' the sensors.

Steve slowly made his way to the elevator and made his way up one floor where he knew Loki and Thor shared the floor. After searching the entire floor and even quickly scanning the rooms Steve took a moment to think of any other place where Loki could be hiding.

The roof! Of course, why hadn't Steve thought about that first!

He softly chuckled at himself and took the elevator to the very top.

The doors opened silently and Steve walked out but suddenly stopped.

In front of him stood the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Royal blue skin with bright blue markings wrapped in a delicate green robe, long onyx hair swaying gently in the wind; Steve couldn't hold in the small gasp that fell from his parted lips.

At the small noise said creature quickly turned around standing in alert, and thats when it happened. Ruby red eyes met ocean blue eyes and the world stopped. Not literally but it sure as hell seemed like it to Steve.

Steve took a step forward and immediately regret it when he saw the panic rise in those exotic eyes. In a green flash the beautiful creature was gone and in its place stood a nervous and scared looking Loki.

Steve was stunned. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed.

"That was-" the Cap was cut off a soft and scared voice.

"Disgusting and freakish?" Loki supplied for him.

Steve looked a bit confused and then made his way closer to Loki.

"I was going to say absolutely beautiful." He replied.

Loki gave him an uncertain smile a mumbled a small "thank you".

"Is, was that your Jotun form?" Steve asked just above a whisper.

"Yes. That my dear Captain is my true form. Not many have ever managed to see me like that." Loki admitted shyly while looking at anything other than the Captain. He couldn't believe he had been foolish enough to let his guard down when he knew someone could potentially spot him.

Steve laughed softly and slowly placed a finger under the small Gods chin and finally emerald pools of green connected with deep blue oceans and Loki could have sworn he'd drown in the intense stare of the Captain.

"Loki, I will take that privilege with me to the grave in that case. Although it was a mistake, I will forever be grateful to have shared that with you." Steve whispered and brought the small God into a warm hug.

Loki snuggled closer to Steve placing a dainty hand on the Captains hip and laying his ear close to his heart. Loki let out a small sight of contentment.

"Thank you Steven, I know not what little good I might have ever done in order for the Gods to award me with your company and affection, but I am thankful none the less." Loki confessed as he lifted his head from Steve's chest.

Steve smiled warmly down at the small God tucked in his arms and slowly lowered his head and just before their lips could connect in a sweet kiss, Steve mumbled "I love you too Loki" and finally sealed their lips together.

Steve would worry about the others and their mess later on, but for now he was content holding his Loki tight as the bright lights of New York City shone in the distance below them like little fireflies in the night. He wouldn't have it any other way.



[Please like, comment, or share it means so much me thank you! I hope you guys enjoyed!]

- Katt

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