.: Chapter 10 :.

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"You must be on your best behaviour for your mother and Robb," Isolde implored as she knelt before little Rickon Stark, "always do as your told, and try to be helpful."

"I will Issy," he replied in a manner all too serious for such a young boy, making Isolde smile sadly.

"I'm going to miss you little one," she smiled as she ran a hand through his curls.

"I don't want you to go," Rickon cried tearfully as he threw his arms around her neck.

"I know dear, but I must, Sansa needs me now," Isolde soothed, "but I promise we shall see each other again."

It took several minutes for Theon to disentangle Rickon from Isolde, and by the time he did both had shed several tears.

"You will be missed here," the voice came from behind Isolde as she watched Theon lead Rickon away.

"I will miss here too," she sighed sadly, turning to find Robb standing a few paces behind her.

"You could stay," he offered with a small, anxious smile, "there's plenty of servants in Kings Landing."

"Not any as good as me," she laughed slightly, "besides I go at Lord and Lady Stark's request." Robb nodded in acknowledgment before hanging his head slightly. Once again the air around them had become awkward. This was the longest they had been in each other's presence since the incident on the night Bran had fallen.

"I didn't think it would hurt this much," he muttered quietly, glancing up, "saying goodbye," he added in explanation.

"It's not goodbye," Isolde frowned, "we'll see each other again."

"You know that's not what I meant Isolde," Robb smiled sadly. Isolde nodded slightly, unsure of what to say next.

"Robb-"she began quietly.

"You don't have to explain," he again shot her a sad smile, "how could I expect you to feel for me as I do you."

"Listen to me," Isolde began seriously, stepping forward and holding his face in her hands, "You are an incredible young man Robb. You are clever, and strong, and brave and devastatingly handsome," she teased as his cheeks turned slightly red, "it is I who is the fool for not being able to see all the wonder in you."

Robb looked into her eyes, his emotions all a whirl as he struggled to come to terms with what would effectively be the loss of his first love.

"You will meet someone one day," Isolde consoled, "a lovely woman, of good standing, and you will fall in love with her, and when you do, you will see that what you feel for me is nothing in comparison."

Without warning, Robb leaned forward and landed a kiss to her lips.

"When I kiss you," he began lowly, as he pulled away from her shocked face slightly, "I see stars, I-i feel like I'm on fire. If that isn't love, I don't know what else it could be," he almost pleaded with her.

"Then you need to go and find it," Isolde smiled sadly, "find what feels a hundred times better than that, and you'll know you've found love."

She smiled sadly at him, watching as his heart broke before her. After a few moments he nodded and attempted to return her smile, finally accepting, at least in principle, that she was not going to return the feelings that had haunted him for so many years. He had no idea how he was supposed to get over Isolde, he had no idea if he even could.

"You'll find her Robb," Isolde assured gently, "and when you do, you had best write me, I shall have to be sure she is good enough for you."

"You can't read Isolde," he replied seriously. A few moments of silence hung in the air, before the pair could no longer hold it in and they burst into a fit of laughter.

"Now that's better," she smiled as their laughter died down, "come along, I dare say they'll be ready to leave shortly."

The courtyard was alive with the sights and sounds of the largest retinue the North had seen as Isolde and Robb arrived. Robb went to say goodbye to Jon as Isolde approached a pale and miserable looking Lady Stark.

"My Lady," Isolde curtseyed as she stood in front of her mistress. Lady Stark offering her a smile.

"Please, no formalities," she smiled lightly, "you are more family than servant to us now."

"That means a great deal to me My Lady," Isolde smiled happily as she took her place standing next to Lady Stark.

"Look after them," Lady Stark asked quietly as they watched Sansa and Arya arguing outside the Wheelhouse, "they will need a mother, if I cannot be there, I ask that you watch over them as if they were your own."

"Always My Lady, without question," Isolde assured, earning her a grateful smile and a pat on the arm.

With the seemingly never ending parade of soldiers, servants and nobles appearing to be ready to leave, Isolde chased Arya and Sansa into their wheelhouse, assuring them that she would join them soon.

"My Lord," Isolde asked quietly as she approached where Lord Stark was preparing to mount his horse.

"Yes Isolde."

"With your permission, I would like to ride with Jon until we reach the road to The Wall."

"Very well," he nodded before mounting his horse as Isolde ran gleefully to find Jon who was stood beside his own horse.

"I'm afraid to say you have me as company until we part ways," Isolde grinned as she approached him.

"If I must," he teased over-dramatically before moving to help her into the horse.

Isolde waved a goodbye to those of the Stark family who would remain at Winterfell. Rickon waved tearfully back as he clung to his mothers skirts, Robb sent her a small smile and a nod.

As he passed, Jon sent a teasing wink to Robb as his arms encased the small maid who sat atop his horse, Robb only laughed and shook his head as he watched half of his family leave the courtyard.

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