Chapter 10

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Y/n's pov

Sans and papyrus took me to the local store, and long story short, I got a big grey bean bag. Papyrus ran off after buying the bean bag, leaving sans and I alone. Just then, my mind decided to remind me of mom and b/n. Yup, one tradition I never broke, was to visit mom's and b/n's grave with some flowers. As if on auto pilot, I started checking out the flower section. Sans looked at me confused, but followed me. I grabbed a small bouquet of pink roses and walked to the check out lane. I pulled out my wallet and paid for the flowers, as sans and I left, I told him "I have to make a small visit, is that ok?". Sans still seemed confused but nodded, with that, I put the roses in a shield and took off. Sans followed me, watching for when I would turn. Once I spotted the cemetery, I landed and looked for mom and b/n's graves. Once I found them, I began to walk toward them. I then put the flowers between the two graves and said "you two will have to share this time". I felt a wave of self-consciousness and anxiety come over me. I turned to sans and asked "uhh,  sans could we have some privacy please?", sans looked up and said "yeah sure, I'll just be over there". Sans then walked over to a tree and sat there. I then began to talk to them "don't worry guys, sans is nice. Him and his brother papyrus saved me from fa/n (fathers name). It's like they're my new family, but don't worry, I will never forget you guys". I then hugged their grave stones and walked back to sans and asked "are we gonna go home now?". Sans then said "actually, I was wondering if you could show me those tricks", it was now my turn to be confused. I asked "what?", sans then said "those flying tricks, like the free fall and stuff". I then realized what sans wanted, but I'm gonna have to test his current wing strength first. I said "well, before I can teach you, I have to know your wing strength", sans look at me confused and asked "wing strength?". I nodded and said "yeah, if your wings wings can't carry at least 3 times your weight, then I can't teach you yet. So... I hope it's ok that I ask this but how much do you weigh?", sans thought for a minuet and said "last I checked I weighed 130 pounds". I said "and I weigh 120, so if I hold onto your wing you should be able to lift me". I then grabbed sans' wing and said "let me know if it hurts at all", sans nodded and started to lift me off the ground. I was around a foot off the ground when sans' wing dropped, we have a lot of work to do.

(Insert montage of sans working on his wing strength)

It looks like sans has gotten much better, but I need to test him. I said "ok sans, now for your test. So here is what we'll do. We will play a game of air tag. The rules are simple, no magic can be used to your advantage, so no teleporting. I won't use my shields. The goal is to tag the other player as many times as possible, and you're responsible for counting how many times you tag someone. If you land, you lose all of your points. If you hit the ground you only lose half of your points. The person with the most points at the end wins". Sans understood the rules and took off. I took off after him and the game began. Sans started directly chasing me as soon as I was in the air, which was a horrible move in his part. I did a barrel roll, dove down and disappeared from his line of sight. I then came back up in his blind spot, right behind him, and got close enough to tap his shoulders. I then alternated my hands and tapped him 4 times before flying away. Sans started flying after me he tapped me once before I could dive down to gain speed. Sans started diving after me, so I decided to wait until I got close to the ground. I then extended my wings and glided 5 feet off the ground. I looked behind me to see sans on the ground, looks like he lost his one point. I flew over toward sans and asked "are you alright sans?", Sans gave me a thumbs up and said "let's take a break and land y/n". I giggled and landed near sans, his wings looked really stiff though. I asked "do your wings hurt?", sans nodded and said "they feel stiff and cramped". I kneel down near sans' wing and start to massage it. I could hear sans hum and relax a little. I could tell he was enjoying this, but anyone who trained as hard as he did would enjoy this. I then started massaging the other wing, and sans gave the same reaction as last time. I could feel how tense his muscles are and said "you're usually tense aren't you", sans asked "how did you know?". I said "I can feel it, the muscles in your wings don't want to relax when I massage them. Do be fair, I can relate to that. It just seems weird to me that you'd be living in fear when you have your brother and your friends to help you". I then started to feel sans tense up more, the feeling of loss over and over again radiating of did him. I said "you lost them..... multiple times. Like time rewinded just for you to watch them all die again. You get nightmares from it, seeing the people you care about the most die in front of you". I looked at sans and noticed that his pinpricks were gone; it looked kinda scary to be honest. I realized that might've just caused sans to remember some bad memories, I said "oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you relive bad memories. I shouldn't have said anything". Sans turned toward me and asked "how.... how did you read me like that", I answered "I don't really know, I could just tell how you felt........ others have told me I have an empathetic power. So I can feel others emotions as if they were my own". Slowly, sans' pinpricks returned. I asked "I think I'm ready to head home, what about you?". Sans smiled genuine smile and nodded. With that, we walked home in a strangely comfortable silence.

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