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Things you need to know

Y/n: your name
F/c: favorite color
M/n: mothers name
Fa/n: fathers name
B/n: brothers name
E/c: eye color
H/c: hair color
H/l: hair length
F/n: friends name
S/t: unique soul trait (ex. Love, faith, hope, optimism, magic)
Sk/t: skin tone (ex. Pale, light tan, tan, dark tan)


You and your brother b/n were flying around in the park, playing a game that we invented called "air tag". Basically, you fly around, chasing each other, trying to tag each other the most amount of times. If you land, or touch the ground, you lose either half or all of your tag points. If you land, you lose all of your tag points, and if you hit the ground, you lose half of your tag points. Anyway, we were playing air tag, and then all of the sudden, a gun shot echoed through the park. Both you and b/n fell from the sky. You only fell because when you get scared, all of your limbs go limb and basically turn into a rag doll. But b/n was actually hit with the bullet. Since both of our wings were fully extended during the fall, we couldn't die or get hurt from hitting the floor. I got up after regaining myself, but when I saw b/n's state. I instantly teared up and yelled for your dad, he came running out and saw you crying next to b/n's dead body. He asked/ yelled "what happened?!", y/n said through sobs "we were playing air t-tag *sob* and we heard a gun shot fire *sob* b-b/n fell from the s-sky. I was s-scared f-from the loud *sob* noise a-and fell t-too". Fa/n tried to heal b/n, but he was already gone. Fa/n growled in frustration, then he yelled "First it was m/n, now it's b/n! You've gotten them both killed and it's all your fault". Fa/n then grabbed y/n by her hair and dragged her inside where he began to beat her mercilessly. Never in y/n's life has her father seemed more menacing. Y/n was only 8 when this happened, and this abuse continued for many years. Y/n got bullied heavily at school and developed depression over time. Y/n was taught by others to think what she was nothing but a mistake that someone tried to erase but couldn't quite get the job done. Any time y/n made a mistake or made any sort of noise, she was beaten for it. Y/n would always get nightmares every night, but made her nightmares different from a normal nightmare, was that she couldn't wake up. Y/n would try to earn others friendship by doing their homework for them, and giving them a late pass every time they were late to class. Any time she could, she would play or sing a song, just so she could forget about her sadness, even if it was only for a second. Every day was the same routine. Get up, get beaten, go to school, get bullied, go home, get beat some more, do homework, make copies for your "friends", eat whatever your father would give you, sing, go to bed, have a nightmare, repeat. That is, until monsters were released from the underground. When fa/n found out that monsters were released from the underground, he started to beat y/n harder. Y/n, however, no longer had to hide her wings. She could fly around whenever she pleased, or, whenever she was allowed to be outside. Monsters were welcomed into society, and it was common to see them working at restaurants and walking around. And now the story begins...

Fly away with me (angeltale sans x abused angel reader)Where stories live. Discover now