Chapter 3

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Note: this chapter gets dirty in the end. Read it if you want or just skip the dirty part. Thanks <3


You got a text from taylorg

taylorg: so you think now that you are famous and that sh*t you can just leave me like nothing happened? I'll chase you,  I'll be your worst nightmare.

You: Taylor we broke up before I even got famous! And you better stop threatening or I'll go to the police.

taylorg: oh I'm so afraid of you. You'll see ;) don't think Shawn will get your back forever.

You: stop talking to me! You're such a d*ck.

  You were scared of what Taylor could do. He knows your biggest secret and if he says it people will stop liking you. You decide to call Shawn.

S: Hey who is this?

You: Hey shawn it's me y/n.

S: oh hi. So how are u? Do you want to meet? So we can talk better?

You: of course can't wait to see you.

S: ok.  I'll send you my address by message and you can come over.

You: seems a nice plan. Well see you in probably 20 minutes. Bye

S: bye hun.

You stay there thinking of Shawn's last words...  Hun... Hun... Hun...  "I think I'm in love with him. " You think. But you just forget about that cause you knew Shawn would never fall in love with a girl like you. 

*Minutes later*

You arrive at Shawn's apartment. The security let's you in and you call for Shawn since you don't see him anywhere. Suddenly you feel strong arms involving you in a hug and you feel Shawn's breath on your neck.

"Hey gorgeous you are here!" Shawn says.

"Omg you scared me shawn" you laugh nervously.

"Oh I'm sorry" he turns you around so he could face you. " wow you look even better live" he says staring at you.

  You rub your neck and blush when you hear him saying this.

"So let's do this haha" Shawn says. "I have came up with some ideas for the music.  Come see them with me."

  Some time later you finish the music and you start packing your things to go home when he says:

"Y/n... I really enjoyed doing this with you. You are such a nice and funny girl and I wanted to meet you more times. What do you think of sleeping over today? I can lend you a shirt for you to use as a sleeping shirt..."

"Oh uhm...  I would love to. Of course I'll sleep here tonight if you want." you smile at him.

"Good! I really want some company during the night." he smiles staring at your eyes.

You stay there for some time staring at each other and Shawn starts to get closer. You feel this nervous feeling in your stomach and you get closer too. When you were about to kiss, Aaliyah enters the house and Shawn and you move away and stand there awkwardly.

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