Warrior's dust

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(p.s: In this Busan is a country by itself and it has a land, desert and shore, there is no Korea, imaginary names are used.)

"Attack!" General Jungkook shouted silencing the crazy beating of war drums then drew his sword up in the air in a prideful position of a true warrior , the metallic weapon reflected the golden rays of the burning sun of Busan's desert. The enormous army of men behind his back followed.
On the opposite side the enemy charged toward them as well, their vicious leader told them to cut Jungkook down first before anyone else. Cause once the leader, "the skeleton" is down the whole army is weakened.
Jungkook's army consisted of 1800 warrior while the enemy's army consisted of 5000 warriors.
Whoever the irony of karma played it well and Jungkook was able to slice their leader's throat with one swift move of his sword boosting up the spirit of the rest.

It was a bloody battle filled with screams of agony, horses' loud neighing , swords clashing, metallic rain of arrows from both sides and a lot of dead but in the end Busan's army were the victorious. Those who survived from the enemy side ran away back to their homeland "The great Gwashon empire" . They were full of scars and wounds but somehow made it out of the desert with the heavy weight of loss on their back.

The complete moon shone in the middle of the sky, shading their dirtied scratched skin. A fire was set to warm their half exposed bodies. After all desert was really cold and merciless at night.

"We shall celebrate!" Taehyung Kim, The leader's right arm, announced while standing on a sand dune, his boxy smile as bright as ever.
"Beer?" Hoseok said with an even brighter smile.
"Not so fast Taehyung, you know emperor Jaehyung-ra won't accept his defeat." another wounded warrior spoke while approaching Taehyung and a few nodded in agreement.
"We will celebrate and no matter what prepares, Busan are more than ready." Jungkook said while patting the warrior's back earning a smirk from both Taehyung and Hoseok.
"But now we should return home, to our Queen and families and friends and people. We should let them know that Busan won't be a part of Gwachon, not now and never. For Freedom!" he shouted the last word on top of his lungs and all the men shouted "Freedom" back. The word itself infused their adrenaline and their hearts started beating violently in their chest while they continued chanting.

On their way back, Namjoon, one of the bravest warrior, approached Jungkook and walked by his side.
"We sent someone after those who escaped leader to bring us news."
Jungkook sighed.
"That's too dangerous. He'll get killed."
"He might survive."
"I highly doubt that."


The enormous bar was filled with a lot of people , they were singing and dancing and drinking their conscious out. Today is the day they celebrate their victory against the empire of Gwachon.

Emperor of Gwachon "Jaehyung-ra" was known to be a merciless, cold and ruthless man with a much worse unhuman army. Whoever didn't obey the emperor and submitted to him was brutally killed. Whoever stood in his way was ripped to pieces, many countries and empires fell to his feet.
In the previous battle Busan's king was killed still the queen never gave up and in this battle they won all thanks to their general Jungkook.

"Let's make a toast!" Taehyung said aloud while standing in the middle of the table, his beer up in the air.
"To the Queen and Busan!" Jungkook said with a big smile, feeling a bit tipsy after all the beverage he consumed.
"To The Queen and Busan!"


"Bring the little mice here."
Seconds later they brought a beaten up bloodied man, he was dragged by his arms across the ship's deck then thrown in front of an black gold throne like seat.
He is the spy Namjoon sent after the defeated men but unfortunately once they arrived to their ship they busted him.
"I heard you are a great strategist...you could be useful to Gwachon."
He only glared.
"Show respect when the" Eve" is speaking." one of the guard hissed before hitting him with a stick on his back.
"And I heard you are the biggest whore." the man finally spoke.
"Your head is as thick as this throne apparently." the Eve said before taking a sword and cutting his head.
"Throw this rubbish of a body in the ocean. And send this lovely head to Busan...They'll fall and I'll make sure of it."


"They sent something. Gwachon."
Namjoon told Jungkook whom was training a few children with Taehyung . The leader and the other immediately stopped and followed him.

"His head...and a message."
"Which is?"
"They want to negotiate. With you. On a ship by our shore. At night."
"Oh? Whom sent it?"
"The Eve."
Taehyung seemed shocked by the word.
"Jungkook you're not going, right?"
"I am."
"Jungkook I never met this" Eve" but worse of the rumors are attached to this name...Jaehyung-ra's left hand and the one who put a crown on his head."
"Taehyung, what did they used to say about Jaehyung-ra?"
"A man who spits fire and suck souls."
"were those rumors true?"
"No..but it's different with the Eve....including.. Desires and manipulation."
"I was never seduced by a single woman my whole life Taehyung."
"Who told you the Eve is a woman?" Namjoon replied while carefully cleaning the head.
"Let him have a proper burial, he served Busan till his last breath. And tell his family first...I'll pay respect after the negotiations are done."
"Where to now?"
"To tell the Queen."


"Jeon Jungkook."
The person called his name before emerging from the shadow to the moon light. If Jungkook wasn't a well trained leader he'd gasp.
Soft black hair, doe eyes , plump luscious lips, small nose, milky skin.... The statue of sin.
His body was another.
A long baggy dress that had a slit whoch showed his leg and thighs as he walked toward him, apparently he had a short underneath those.
"I prefer Kim Seokjin general. Shall we?" he said before entering a room and Jk followed.
"Let me admit general. I am impressed." he said before grabbing two glasses of wine and handed one to Jungkook.
The general looked at his glass rotating it a bit.
"Yes general, It's poisoned." Seokjin told him with a smirk while gulping down his drink at once.
The beautiful man then took the glass from Jk and drank it shocking the other a bit but he showed no emotions.
"Busan won't submit." Jk confirmed while eyeing Seokjin. Jin chuckled while looking back at him then turned his attention to the table, were a big map was displayed.
He slowly sat on it, ignoring the presence of a chair, the slit opened and his perfect tigh was on full display as well, a golden chain dangling down it.
He pointed at Busan on the map.
"Small indeed."
Then Seokjin sat on Busan and moved his finger toward Gwachon.
"Empire....do you know what does a small capital fighting an empire mean Jungkook?"
Jk moved toward Jin placing his hands on top of Him.
"It means unfairness, cruelty, savagery?"
Seokjin hummed while slowly sneaking an arm behind Jk's neck, his breath now hitting his skin, the other hand was caressing his chest.
"We're not here for a lesson in moral... All fair in war and love...Careful, you're going to tear the map apart."
"Keep it like this and something else we'll be torn apart." Jungkook replied slightly tugging on the golden chain down the milky tigh.
"So full of yourself General Jeon."
Jin said before grabbing Jungkook's neck, applying pressure on it then said in his ear.
"Gwachon needs a strong general like you...join us, me, Our army...lead and command..anything you want."
"Tempting...and you know how a man becomes weak in front of his desires...Power, fortune. Lust...All sound tempting. But I'll only guarantee victory for Busan."
Jungkook grabbed Jin's leg and opened them.
"And you're sitting on it."
"What a loss your are." Jin muttered mockingly his lips inches apart from The general. "Fuck you."
Jungkook hissed at him before slamming him down, back hitting the table with a thud and attacking his lips , his rough hands clawing both tighs that teased the Fuck out of him since he first saw him.
"The eve", Seokjin or whatever was his enemy. But he felt so euphoric at the moment


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