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Jungkook gazed around the huge room, the skin under the sharp knife that was strapped against his tigh started to itch .
His stomach made a flip and actually had to will his body not to shiver when he noticed the row of cells that most likely caged all kind of creatures inside.
He looked at his instructor, searching for an answer on why did he bring him here but only got a frown in response.

The bulky man dressed in all black , whom was in his late thirties and been a hunter for more than ten years now, pushed his young apprentice forward and continued walking , muttering something under his breath.

"They can smell your fear Jeon. You don't want that. Trust me."
"I am not scared."
He wasn't for real but his lungs won't stop screaming for a stable breathing.
"Then why your heart is about to explode from your chest and become a snack to the werewolf  ?"
"That's...not it sir ." Jungkook had to stop himself from gritting his teeth or saying anything that'll get him in trouble with his instructor "Belyal" . If he want to stay in the organisation and avoid being kicked out he has no choice but to "behave" and watch his language.

"This is one of the most vile and barbarous vampires. He was captured two weeks ago by team G . The creature in front of you was given tranquilizer before our arrival ."
"But why? Isn't he too dangerous to be kept alive?"
"For the interrogation Jeon. We're not here to play. He has answers we need."
"What about the others?"
Belyal pursed his lips in a thin line and refrained from answering before grabbing one of his gun and shooting the unconscious vampire right in the arm, dark blood tainted the marble floor of the cell.
"That fucker should wake up in less than ten minutes. Let's make a quick tour before going back to him. And Jeon."
"Don't touch those bars if you don't want to be burnt. "

The hunters moved to the next cell where an odd ugly creature was crouching in the dark corner, his eyes turning red once he spotted them.
"Goblin. He must be hungry."
"Yeah that's why he wants to eat us then leave the bones for dessert, well it's not like he's the only one here who wants to do so. The werewolf here didn't eat since three days and-"
"Can we see him?" Jk interrupted his instructor,  his pupils were a bit more blown than normal , his hearts doing those crazy bungee jumps once again.
"You never saw one?"
"Not really. Only in books and PowerPoint presentations sir."

The werewolf they saw was in his human form , sleeping on the floor in the position of an unborn fetus . Jungkook almost forgot and grabbed the bars if it wasn't for Belyal who harshly slapped his hands away.
"The vampire must've awakened by now.  Let's go."


He was handcuffed, tied to the chair and still Jungkook had a very hard time holding his head in place.
The vampire was violently jerking his head , opening his mouth so wide showing a terrifying pair of abnormal fangs and hissing like a black mamba. 
"Answer the question you freak." Belyal calmly said as if nothing wrong was happening and as if his apprentice wasn't having the hardest time of his life.
" ARe yOu SuRe he caN taLk?"
"Yeah yeah and you're going to drain our blood and feed us to your dogs and fuck our mothers.  Seriously can't your species come up with new threats?"

"Sir am sorry to interrupt but there's something you should know ..about subject O."
Another hunter came in the gloomy room and made a gesture with his head to the instructor. He didn't want to talk in front of Jk which made him anxious.
"Jeon watch him while am gone."

"Looks like little wolf is about to get a lesson." The vampire said mischievously while looking at him. Hunger and thirst  was dripping from his mouth,  he could tell.
"What do you mean?"
"I ASKED WHAT DID YOU FUCKIN MEAN BY THAT?!" Jk shouted at him before stabbing his thigh with his knife, the vampire groaned in pain .
"Answer me. If you don't I'll pour holy water on your wound."
"The omega werewolf in the cell!"

"Am gonna regret this." Jungkook whispered under his breath before taking a deep breath . It's about time .


"S-sir!" Jungkoook shouted while running toward Belyal , his shoulders bleeding heavily,  a nasty scratch on his face. The instructor and the hunter immediately ran to him.
"Did he bite you?!" He asked furiously while the other went to press the emergency button.
"He didn't!"
"Where the fuck is he now?!"
"Once you left , he managed to escape,  I tried to stop him . He's still in the facility!"
"Let's go after him! You useless beginner stay here and stop your bleeding. "

Jk fell to his knees from the loss of blood before blacking out he saw from the corner of his eyes the opened door of the werewolf's cell.


The brief kick in his stomach woke him up from the short comatose . His body was heavy due to the tranquilizer they shot him with . The omega quickly reached for his belly and rubbed it to make sure his offspring still there and wasn't extracted out of his body like those hunters said.
He was weakly crying (out of happiness) when the child moved inside him once again.

"Ten double layered pizza , six cups of ramen , ten steak and three cartoons of milk." The faint  voice that came from behind a door made him freeze for a second before standing on the bed . And suddenly it hit him.
He wasn't in the cell.
He wasn't in the facility.
He was somewhere familiar.
Now his hands were shaking so bad.

"Oh did I mention the chocolate cake..ah yes two. And do you guys have cotton candies?"

The man whom was apparently talking on the phone opened the door slowly, his jaw slightly dropped when he saw the already awoken werewolf starring at him with wide eyes.

The omega cried before running toward the young hunter and jumped into his arms slowly wrapping his legs around his waist.
The embrace lasted long with Seokjin quietly sobbing to Jk's neck and the other rocking him as gentle as possible and whispering soothing words in his ear before he kissed him . At first it was slow and innocent just like a mother's kiss to her baby but now Jin's back was pressed against the bed , Jk between his legs and their clothes ...well thrown somewhere?

"The food should arrive by. What is that called again baby?" A shirtless Jk asked while throwing his used clothes on the bed around Jin whom was too busy arranging them like his heart desires.
"Oh yeah...but that one needs to be washed it's too dir-" before he could continue Jin growled at him for trying to touch one of the shirt .
"Okay cupcake calm down ,I swear I won't annoy you again."

The young hunter took a step back and watched his precious "mate" working. His eyes focusing on his adorable baby bump . They have..a lot to talk about...to discuss...but right now he just want to look at his small family whom he just got back and enjoy the blissful warmth Jin's return has brought.

"Kookie..what's that scratch your face?"

My bitchass sincerely apologise for the updatingcomatose I went through.  I am so sorry guys.
I hope you liked this. And I might write a second part.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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