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"Guilty." the word caused a lump to form in his throat yet he remained silent knowing it's already decided and there is no use of protesting.
It'll be a wasted energy and he already feel bad for himself, he doesn't want to make it worse. The lawyer tried his best to help him yet couldn't do much since there was no evidence to support his say.

While two police officer were dragging him away  his mother frantically reached for his hand and held it in a desperate attempt to save her son. Jin's heart squeezed painfully at the sight,  all his fears resurfaced as he held her hand back..too terrified to let go.
"I am innocent."
He repeated while looking into her teary red eyes and she nodded.
"Jinnie! I swear! I swear am gonna get you out!"
"Woman move away!"
After today, there's no staying in the "detention" waiting for the trial and judgment, Seokjin was on his way to jail by bus. He was slowly tasting the bitter taste of injustice but he knew that yet to come.

Seokjin glanced at his left to see the guys next to him in the back seat and immediately shrunk back. They were all  burly and buff with multiple tattoo, one of them had an old looking scar over his eye. Now he didn't want to judge a book by the cover but damn the pages look not so promising and he can already snese that everyone on this bus are bad news.

"Get in row!" An officer shouted at them at them as the bus door opened and the prison's gate closed.
What took him by surprise and made him lower his head while walking are all the vulgar comments and whistles he got on his way inside. He felt like a piece of meat surrounded by hungry hyenas.  

The pink hoodie and black jeans he was wearing were replaced by a plain dark blue prison uniform, he was also forced to hand over his watch and necklace but kept the silver ring he got from his mother on his last birthday. It had the shape of a rose with a tiny ruby.

"This is your cell." the officer told him as he opened the door letting him in then closing it."Your cellmate is not back yet." the guard said before leaving.  At this specific moment Seokjin cried. He wished it was all a bad nightmare he's going to wake up from but no...He never imagined that he would end up like this in his peaceful life.

Seokjin was really exhausted. He went towards the bunks and laid on the lower one,  which oddly had a smell,  not a bad one, but a strong body aroma he remembers smelling before but again maybe it's his brain playing games on him. 
Sleepiness took over him and he soon was deep in a dreamless slumber meanwhile his cellmate was back.
Sweat sliding down his forehead,  breathing heavily from exhaustion after spending two hours training under the burning sun.

The man wanted nothing but to lay on his bunk and sleep unfortunately he found a strange body occupying his place. He wanted to break that person's neck for violating his space but once he saw his face and recognize it, he decided otherwise.

"Kim Seokjin,  on fucking earth are you doing here?" the low growl behind made him snap his eyes opened. Yet he didn't dare to turn and face the person who just woke him up but the man grabbed his cheeks in one hand and  forced an eye contact between them.
Out of all criminals,  killerd and mental on earth that could be in the same cell as him, karma decided to do this huh?
His ex?!!

"Let go that hurt!"
He let go with a scoff, eyes focused, almost devouring Seokjin.
"I am innocent." Jin added while looking at his uniform only to hear a mocking chuckle back.
"Well aren't we all?"
"I am telling the truth! Eunbi..She.."
"Wait, isn't that the whore you left me for? She is the one who got you here? Not sorry to tell you but that feels good."
Seokjin felt like a puppy who just got kicked upon hearing the last sentence.
"What? Gonna cry babe?"
"Shut the fuck up and get away from me Jeon."
Jungkook smirked while supporting his arms at each side of Jin's head, locking him in.
"What is it?"
"You look like a bitch in this hair color."
"Bet you already heard that... Tell me what did they say about your waist?"
Jin swallowed hard when he remembered all the word he heard from other prisoners once he entered, all the whistles and the annoying wolves howling which for him sounded more like street dogs barking.
"What did they say about your legs huh? Or lips?..That what they said...Can you imagine what will they do once they get their hands on you?"
"You know that the majority here are convicted because of rape and sexual harassment no?"
"You're literally...Fucked.. Unless."
"Unless?!!" Seokjin immediately said, desperation clear in his voice.
"I protect you...Then you're safe."
"Your price?"
"Not money...You."
"Impossible. I refuse."
"Enjoy their company." Jk said before leaving him. Only to take off his shirt,  revealing his tattoos and well built body. Back in high school he was a muscle pig...but now..that a whole muscle bear.
"What are you-"
"Shower." he replied before throwing his shirt and pants at Jin then entered the small shower room each cell had in the corner.

Seokjin was deep in thoughts reviewing everything he heard from Jk but a sudden bell made him jump slightly and the door of their cell opened automatically. Prisoners' voices became louder.  Apparently they got out for dinning hour. What scared him to death is the voice of one particular scary prisoner who told him in the bus that he wants him approaching.

The voice approached and he could clearly hear him saying "Here is my pretty bitch's cell" without much thinking,  Seokjin, with his uniform still on, entered the shower room and hid behind Jk.

"Changed your mind?"
"Good boy."
"What are you doing?!!!"
"Taking off your clothes? We're not taking a shower with you fully dressed and am naked baby."

He's doomed.

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