OO1 ~ Suffering

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'To go against my brother is not wise, dear. I know he's an asshole that needs to be taught a lesson but he is more powerful than you and me combined.' Even though Kol warns you not to engage, you simply can't and don't want to listen. 

'He killed my best friend, Kol! You can't possibly expect that I let him get away with it, can you?' You feel tears burning in your eyes and you forcefully wipe them from your cheeks as you start to barge towards the door. 'He'll kill you!' Kol says, speeding to block the entrance. 

'Step aside.' You say through gritted teeth and you want to push him away but he is still an Original. Therefore, stronger than you. 'I can't and won't let you do it, {y/n}. You are no match for him.' You must admit, that hurts and you can't believe that Kol doesn't have your back. After so many years of being together, he is not willing to support you in this. Help you even. Yes, you are aware that they're brothers and that they would do anything to protect one another but Kol told you that when his siblings came up with some twisted vow, he was left out. So he couldn't care less if Niklaus would die within a few hours. But it's hurting you that he doesn't believe you can be the one to take his life.

'I have stuffed myself with vervain. There is no chance he could compel me or hurt me without hurting himself.' You sigh and cup his cheek softly. 'You seem to forget that one bite from him will kill you. It doesn't matter if you're on vervain or not. And you know that the only one who could cure you is Nik himself. And he won't do that if you're coming after him and he won't do it because you're my girlfriend.' It's cute that he keeps trying but you need to do this. He killed Anastasia and you're not planning on letting Niklaus get away with it. 

'It would be nice if you got my back for once. If you don't think I can do this alone then help me. I know that you don't love him anymore like you used to do. Think about it, Kol. He took everything from you, including your mother. How can you ever look him in the eyes again?' You just can't understand that after a thousand years, he is still not leaving his brother. Or tried killing him. 'Oh and did I mention him daggering you for hundreds of years?' It's like you hit a nerve because within seconds you're pushed tightly against the wall with his full body weight on you. 

'Choose your next words wisely, darling.' He says in a low voice and you should know when to stop but you really don't care today.

'You know I'm right. How long are you planning to ignore this problem? He's only using you and you don't even realize it! Stop being pathetic and take action!' He wants to yell at you, you can see it on every part of his face but he keeps it in and lets you go. 

'I'm begging you to think this through. I don't want to lose you.' He softly says and leaves the room with tears rolling down his cheeks. 

Yes, you're in doubt about doing this now but you can't seem to push your hatred aside. He killed your best friend over nothing. A squabble that ended in his ego being bruised. And now Anastasia is dead and he doesn't even feel sorry for it. You can still see the smug grin on his lips and the twinkle in his eyes while watching how she bled out on the floor. The memory stings and it fuels your rage so instead of going after Kol, you decide to go through with your original plan, the white oak stake burning in your bag. Kol doesn't even know you have it because he would sure as hell have taken it from you. 


You sneak around the compound in search of the bloodsucker that calls himself king of New Orleans. Oh how you can't wait to see him at your feet, dead and never resurrecting again. The wonderful thought is soon popped like a bubble when you hear soft laughter behind you.

'Did you really think I wouldn't expect you?' Niklaus Mikaelson himself is standing right there, his usual cocky smirk on his features and with his arms crossed in front of his chest. 

'Did Kol tell you?' You only ask, your heart already aching. 'Kol was in on this? Thank you for telling me.' His smirk grows and he takes a few steps forward. 'But no. He didn't. Elijah did. He overheard your words.' Fuck. You forgot about Elijah, Klaus' right hand. 

'There is something I don't quite get. Now I do understand your little heartbreak about sweet Anastasia but to think that you came here alone to drive a stake in my heart is something I find strange. Because you can never win from me.' A growl leaves your lips and you want to impulsively stab him in the heart but he is faster than you and takes it away from you. He now definitely has the upper hand. 

'That was a stupid move.' He says angrily but still rather calm. 'It was just a matter of time before you would show up, really. So you can imagine me preparing for it as well.' He grasps your wrist forcefully and drags you towards the ancient dungeons under the compound where he chains you to these rusty old shackles on the ceiling. He circles around you, smirking softly at the way you struggle to stand on your tip toes on the ground. 

'All this trouble to avenge some random girl.' He says in himself but you hear and you tug on the chains with force. 

'She was not just some random girl! She was my best friend! My everything! And you just let her bleed out on the carpet like she was nothing! I bet the stain is still there! Do you look at it often? Do you regret taking her life?' You spit at him, the drops reaching his shoes. And it's the limit for Klaus. 

'Enough!' He raises his voice at you, the veins under his eyes already growing visible. 'I'm just about done with you! I'm going to make you suffer in ways your spoiled, little mind cannot possibly imagine!' You know when you're defeated and that is now. 'And don't think for a second I grant you any mercy because you're sleeping with my brother.' He says through gritted teeth what scares you to death.

'I'm not just sleeping with him and you know it. I've been with him for more than a hundred years! You know he's going to kill you when he finds out what you're doing to me.' You threaten him but he doesn't care. 

'Let him come. I will happily reunite the two of you again.' You stare at him in horror. 'Are you going to kill me?' He smirks and shrugs. 

'Eventually. But first I have different plans for you.' That same twinkle as when he killed Anastasia is dancing in his eyes and it makes you sick to the core. 'I hate you..' You whisper and watch how his facial expression changes again. 'The feeling is mutual, love.' 

Final Hours ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now