Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

Tyler sighed as he ran a hair hand through his hair. He looked at the quaint house as he sat in his parked car, dreading the conversation he knew was to come.

Finally gaining the courage, Tyler exited his truck and walked up the stoney-pathway leading to the front door. Knocking lightly, so as not to wake up anyone in the house. It was late. Well after midnight. He knew Mrs. Clarke would still be awake, her sons Michael and Jamie, however may already be asleep. He heard shuffling on the other side of the door and then the familiar sound of a lock turning before the door swung open.

"Tyler." Mrs. Clarke said by way of greeting. "Come on in. Noah's on the couch." Tyler sighed heavily upon entering the house and seeing Noah passed out on the couch.

"Let's talk in the kitchen." Mrs. Clarke said as she ushered Tyler towards the kitchen where half a pot of coffee was waiting for them. She poured two cups of coffee, putting cream and sugar in her own, before placing the cups on the kitchen table. She sat down across from Tyler, unsure of where to start.

Tyler took a sip of his coffee before finally speaking. "So what exactly happened?" He asked. "When I left the house, Michael and Noah were playing video games on the couch."

"Well, according to Michael, an older boy from their school was throwing a party. It wasn't that far from your apartment so the two boys took a bus to get there. Michael claimed they didn't know there would be alcohol at this party, which I personally think is a damn lie . . . But that's beside the point, anyway, I get a call from Michael asking me if I could pick them up because he's worried Noah may have alcohol poisoning."

Tyler cursed under his breath. He didn't think Noah would do something so reckless, especially considering his upbringing as a kid.

"What happened after that?" Tyler asked the older woman, urging her to continue.

"When I got there, Michael had already gotten Noah outside. Noah was hunched over by a tree puking his guts out, Michael was right beside him trying to help. I went over to the two so I could help get Noah into the car. I was debating whether or not to take him to the hospital. But, I knew if I did that would only bring up questions and I didn't want you to have to go through that." Mrs. Clarke said as she rested a hand on top of Tyler's comfortingly.

She knew about Noah's situation and how hard Tyler was working to try and get him out of it.

"Thank you Mrs. Clarke. I really appreciate that. Probably more than you'll ever realize." Tyler said before encouraging her to continue again.

"Noah passed out in the car on the way home. After Michael and I got him into the house and on the couch, I called you. He's been in and out since then but he's okay; no dangers of alcohol poisoning now since he already threw everything up."

Well, that's a relief. Tyler thought. It definitely wasn't the best of circumstances, but things could've turned out worse, much worse. Noah's lucky that he's got Michael and his mom looking out for him when Tyler can't.

"I'm sorry for putting you in this situation, Mrs. Clarke. I shouldn't have left him by himself." Tyler said, feeling like a selfish ass for going out to some college party instead of staying at home with Noah.

"Don't apologize, Tyler. Things like this happen all the time. He's a teenager, he was bound to act out at some point. And you shouldn't feel selfish for living your life. Taking in a 15-year-old boy is hard enough on anyone. But you're still so young, so cut yourself some slack." Mrs. Clarke said sympathetically, she knew this wasn't how the young man envisioned spending his twenties, so given the circumstances, he's doing a great job.

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