Chapter One

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Chapter 1

"The answer is no."

"Come on Em, jus-"

"No, Ella. I don't have to think about it. The answer will always be no. I'll never step foot in another fight club again." Emily said giving her best friend a look to let her know she meant business. But Ella wasn't budging.

"I think that's being a little dramatic. I mean, ever?! Think of all the hot guys you'll be missing out on!" She joked but Emily knew her best friend better than anyone, she could see right through her. She knew what she wanted to bring up, but she didn't know if it was okay.

"I think I'll live." Emily said grabbing the book Ella snatched out of her hands when she walked in talking about her crazy idea to go to an underground fight this weekend.

"Come on, Em. You haven't done anything fun since you moved here. All you do is go to class, study, and sit at home and read." Ella chastised. "Not that being invested in school isn't important and all, but it's nice to give yourself a break every once and a while."

"I do give myself a break! I watch tv on the weekends." Emily huffed, realizing just how lame she must sound. Especially to her best friend. Ella's always been more of a wild child she'd go out on the weekends to parties and clubs, or to the movies with friends, on dates with guys she'd just met. Emily couldn't do that. She just wasn't that type of person. She was too shy.

"Just think about it Emily . . . It's not even Liam's division so you don't have to worry about seeing him." Ella said timidly. She knew Liam was a sore subject. One that Emily avoided at all costs.

"No, I made sure of that when I transferred colleges and moved nearly 1,000 miles away." Emily muttered, suddenly in a bad mood. Something that frequently happens when Liam is brought up in a conversation. That was another reason why she moved. Nobody in Chicago knew Liam. Or her. Aside from Ella, but that was different they've been friends since middle school. This was meant to be a fresh start. But Ella was right, all Emily did was school work and a lot of moping. It was time for a change. "I'll think about it." Emily said, knowing full well Ella would end up dragging her along anyway. Might as well just get on board now.

"That's all I ask." Ella said letting out a happy sigh before walking out of the room and leaving Emily to her book.

Finally, some peace and quiet, Emily thought. It never failed that Ella always managed to interrupt her reading when she was at the very end of a book. That's the best part!


"So, do you have any plans after the fight tonight?" Ryan asked his fellow fighter and friend as he stripped from his street clothes and into his gym shorts.

"You asking me out, Anderson?" Tyler joked as he sat on one of the benches in the locker room to tie up his shoelaces.

"What? No! Why would you even say something like that?" Ryan sounded flustered, making Tyler laugh. It was way too easy to get him worked up.

"Relax, man. I'm just messing with you." Tyler said. He and Ryan became friends a couple of months ago when Ryan joined Legends, a gym specifically for MMA fighters looking for a place to train. Ryan was new to the game, but the kid was a fucking natural. Coach Wellens paired Ryan and Tyler together the first day thinking they'd be a good match and although, Tyler comes out on the winning end very frequently he's got to admit Ryan definitely gives him a run for his money. Tyler has no doubt the 22-year-old will be one of the best in a couple years with just a little more practice.

"I was just asking because my fraternity brothers are throwing a party at the house after the matches are over. I figured you could stop by if you weren't busy." Ryan said nonchalantly. As he waited for Tyler to finish lacing up his shoes.

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