Yay the first Dare😁😁

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JoJo:"UGH!why is there are not any Dare's!!!!!"

Casey:"Mabey we could past the time if we go on a date?"

JoJo:"I would rather kiss Shredder!"
My ringtone rings a"BOOYAKASHA!"Remix


JoJo:"Shut up!"pull out the phone"Yay!GUYS WE GOT A DARE!"
They all start walking into the living room of the Warehouse and start sitting down

Raph:"What is it?"

JoJo:"A dare for you and Mikey!@migatito16 Dare's:Raph to sing La Dee Da by Cody Simpson to Mona Lisa and Mikey to sing La La Love to Shinigami!"

Mona looks at Raph with a smirk!

Raph:"B-but i don't have a guitar!"JoJo throughs one at him

there's no way to sing this song about someone else,Everytime your not in my arms i start lose myself someone please pass me my shades don't let 'em see me down!you have taken over my days so tonight I'm going out!yet I'm feeling like there is no better place than right by your side!"he sang

JoJo:"Awwwwww!i ship it!"trys to cartwheel but fails=/

Casey:"bwaahahahahahhaha!"fall's backwards

JoJo:"Whatever!😒Mikey now it's your turn!😋"

Mikey:"Come feel my heart it's beating like drum and i confess!when your around it like a army marching through my chest and there's nothing i can do i just gravite towards you"(Sorry I'm lazy)

JoJo:"Awww still ship!"makes heart out of fingers

JoJo:"Anyway booyakasha my brothers and sisters love ya bye 🤗 also more dares pls"

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