Man Down

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MaKayla POV


     I woke up to beeping noises I looked around the room to find Chris, Brandie, Brandie Bae, Courtney, Mya, and Korbyn but where fuck is Tray.

"Where Tray" I asked starting to worry as I remembered what happened the heart monitor started going crazy so nurses ran in to see what was going on.

"Sweetie calm down calm down you were shot in your shoulder but you'll be just fine to go home tomorrow" one of the nurses said

I listen to her because I saw in shows what they did if you didn't and I don't like shots period.

"Where is Trayvon Hendez" I asked the nurse since these folks I call friends wouldn't answer me

"Mr. Hendez is in room 138 it seems he needs blood donated to him we're working on finding a donor now he's a very strong man he's really fighting all we need is the donator and he should be ready in a couple of days to go home"

I started tearing up but I knew if Tray was here he wouldn't want me crying so I sucked it up and stayed strong for him

"What's his blood type" I asked

"O negative" the nurse responded as she started checking my vitals

I started thinking trying to figure out who had O negative type blood when I remembered I did and I swear on everything I love I would take a needle to the arm for Tray.

"I got O negative type blood" I say lowly

"Are you willing to donate to Mr. Hendez" the nurse askes

"YES" I say nearly shouting

"OK ma'am just come with me"

     I waved bye to everybody that was in the room with me then went on my way to get my blood took lord have strength on my soul, but I'd do anything in my power for Tray cause I know he'd do the same for me.

90 Minutes Later

The donating went well but surgery on Tray didn't during surgery he slipped into a coma and they said there's no way of knowing when he'll come out it could be days, months, maybe even years when she told me that I broke completely down I couldn't stop crying no matter how hard I tried and when I went to his room to see him I broke down more but remembered I had to be strong for him so I sat next to him in the chair by his bed and just talked to him.


Nothing not a movement

"I don't know if you can hear me or not but I love you with everything in me you've stuck by my side even when you didn't have to, you where there for me when you didn't have to be, you loved me for me, you care about me, and you've never let your problems affect me in any type of way. When I broke up with you and hurried up and got with Kareem that was only so I could get over you but I couldn't you were always on my mind you are my first everything and I love you I don't think I can get over you because I don't know if I can live another day without you Tray come on please I need you to wake up cause I need you"

I looked at him and nothing changed I sighed, got in bed with him, and got comfortable up under him I'm gone be here by his side no matter the situation for this point forward I love Tray with all my heart and there's nothing that can break this bond.

Trayvon POV

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't I wanted to move but I couldn't my body wasn't responding so I stopped trying not long after I stopped trying I heard somebody come in and start crying then stop I didn't know who it was but I can't believe somebody actually crying over me who care about me this much besides my mama somebody I anit seen since I was 16 and shit I'm 18 now.

Sister Bond(Completed and editing)Where stories live. Discover now