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First part by me 

I  walked up to the courtyard and Sabrina looked at me "what are you wearing?" She exclaimed. I looked down "I wanted to look cute..."she looked at me "w-well I think your outfit looks nice..." I blushed and looked  over to see soma and agni "thanks you guys!! Adrian's parents gave it to me!!" (Basically Adrian's parents are my god mother and father so me and Adrian are like cousins well cousins by marriage) I smiled.

By SylvyTheSylveon321

Drocell's P.O.V.

I was walking  in the halls because I sorta got lost. So I thought to myself I should just wander the halls so I wouldn't get lost again. Marshall left and he was my map but now he had to pick up his little sister. I was about to leave when a poster caught my eye's.

It was about a dance off the school was hosting. Hm so I thought to myself why not sign us up.

Alois: Hey Doll Obsessed Guy!!!!!!!

Ugh Alois Trancy!!!!!!!! Why this guy. I turn around and cross my arms.

Drocell: Its Drocell not Doll Obsessed Guy Alois.          I roll my eyes at him while he shrugs.  Ciel comes up panting. Claude and Sebastian came laughing at Ciel while he glared at them both.

Ciel: Now where is my cake?????

Sebastian looks at Cluade and smirks. He hands Ciel a printed picture of chocolate cake.

Ciel: WHAT IN BLOODY HELL IS THIS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Claude: You never said it had to be real now did you??         Ciel groans and continues to glare at those two.

Alois: So are you signing up with your group. Oh wait you have no group my bad.            I roll my eyes while he signs up. I started to leave when I thought to myself what if I make this a competition.

Drocell: What if we make things a little interesting. I sign up my group and who ever gets a higher score than the other group has to tell us their crushes and has to ask their crushes out the next day.

Alois smirks and says I accept your challenge along with my group. Right Guys???

Ciel looks a little nervous but than nods. Sebastian and Claude nod as well. And with that they left.

I sign us up. Than I thought to myself might as well ask Adrien to plan funeral and prepare my coffin.I  am so DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Dance Battle Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now