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The slamming of the heavy door behind me shook my body, as well as the immense extreme cold weather that was causing my body to shiver. I crossed my arms over my chest. I glanced at the clock which read 10:28pm.


I thought it was earlier. I hadn't realized I had been roaming the streets aimlessly for that long. There would be questions and worried parents surrounding me in moments, begging me to talk. I dreaded the thought of having to tell anyone. I don't want to blab on about my feelings and how I became easily defensive and how this led to Luke and I having a major fight which could possibly permanently impact our relationship.

In the famous words of a band I held close to my heart, All Time Low, I felt like a time bomb. Luke and I were time bombs, set into motion. And it was just inevitable that eventually we would explode, and have to pull each other out of the wreckage.

But what if we weren't there together to pull each other out? What if there was no more Luke and Char?

At this moment, after our heated argument, I had doubt that those two names would ever be said nicely in a sentence together again...

The last thing I wanted to do was to wake anyone up, so leaning over I removed my ballet flats and placed them in the lounge room. Obviously I didn't want to go and sleep with Luke, so I crept over to the guest room downstairs which was unoccupied. Shutting the door lightly behind me, I crawled over to the made bed and collapsed onto it.

Maneuvering myself into the warm sheets, the familiar smell of home returned and I felt safe but broken as I drifted off into a deep sleep.


I squint my eyes, trying to make out the digital numbers lit up on the alarm clock. I groan, turning to side and tightly shutting my eyes in an attempt to block out the sunlight with was already cascading through the windows. Giving up on all hopes of falling back to sleep, I kick of the sheets an sit up, glaring at the clock once again. 6:47am. 

I swing my legs around so they dangled off the side of the bed, pushing myself onto my feet. I shuffle to the bathroom, rubbing my eyes. I stare at my self in the mirror examining my unkempt features of my face.

I had dark rings under my eyes from the broken sleep and the added smudge of my mascara. My hair was knotted and frayed. 

I tried to clean my self up so I was at least presentable. I splashed cold water on my face to perk be up before using a towel to wash away left over make-up and quickly combing my hair back into a pony tail.

I checked the living room and kitchen for any signs of someone being awake but I found none. I walked back into the bedroom, plopping on the bed looking from left to right, tapping my hand on my leg as I thought of some way to occupy my time. I needed to leave before someone finds me and interrogates me about last night.

Maybe a run along the coastline may do the trick but I'll need to change as I'm still dressed up in yesterday's outfit of choice.

Crap. Oh fuck.

My suitcase is in Luke's room!

I'll just have to tip-toe in, he probably won't notice due to the fact that he is a deep sleeper. I would know because we did share a bed more that a couple of times.

I crept up the stairs, cause the occasional creek to echo throughout the house. I look down the hall to see Liz and Andrew's bedroom door wide open and them both sound asleep peacefully.

I cautiously open the door, careful not to make a sound. I check the bed expecting to see the sheets rise up and down along with the sound of his heavy breathing filling the room.

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