{ two }

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mention of suicide attempt

jeongguk was in fact in a class with jimin's friend taehyung, who he learned was a very sweet guy, actually. he had the most endearing box smile and floppy dark hair that hung loosely over his eyes and in a little mullet at the back. he wasn't usually for that style, however, it suited him.

taehyung was a bit odd. he talked to himself sometimes and he made weird faces, but it was a likeable kind of odd. he was harmless, really, and seemed to take an immediate liking to the new boy, much to said new boy's relief.

as for his classes as actual classes, he had almost exactly what jimin said. a triple period of tutorial, break time spent in the secretary's office getting book lists, and then a double of english language straight after. he was alone in that class, sitting next to a thai girl with a full set of bangs and long, extraordinarily bright red hair by the name of lisa. she talked to him a little, but only to ask for a pen.

he wouldn't exactly call that friendly interaction.

after english, he had his choice subject, for which he'd gone with japanese, because apparently he deemed himself ready and able to take on not one, but two foreign languages. clever.

he was back with taehyung in that class, who was intimidatingly good at it, and seemingly almost fluent in the way he went about speaking. jeongguk had done japanese in his last school, but only as a four week module. taehyung sounded as though he'd been speaking it his whole life.

it was impressive, nonetheless.

when the bell rang for lunch time, taehyung guided his younger friend to the cafeteria. it was a large, hall-like room with rows of tables in the centre and a long counter off to the side, which led away into a closed off kitchen area that smelled of curry.

jimin was sat at one of the tables alone, tiny hands flying across the keyboard of his laptop, brows furrowed in determination. taehyung rolled his eyes, plopping down across from him and setting his tray down. jeongguk did the same.

"yoo-hoo, class president, dear? it would be much appreciated if you paid attention to us, or at least said hello," taehyung murmured, picking up his apple, taking a bite, grimacing, and then putting it back down again. jimin looked up, sighing and closing his laptop. "shut up, i was busy."

he didn't have any food in front of him, instead just a half empty bottle of water. must've been really busy.

taehyung waved his hand around dismissively, nudging jeongguk who was sipping at his juice box. "i hear new boy over here had a run in with you know who this morning? ah.. it's your first day, and you've already angered the one person you shouldn't anger in this school-"

jimin flung the cap off of his bottle at taehyung, hitting him straight on the forehead. jeongguk giggled quietly. "oh, shut up, taehyung. serves the dickhead right, to be walked into, i mean. he's such an asshole. he walked into my history class today with his cigarette still in his mouth," he grimaced.

jeongguk furrowed his brows. by the sounds of it, this min yoongi guy really was nothing but trouble. he fidgeted with his fingers, before speaking up. "why haven't they just expelled him, then?"

jimin and taehyung exchanged a look, and then the eldest let out another sigh. "the school's just trying to cover their own asses," he said, in a hushed voice. "they suspended him for two weeks just before the summer, but that ended up in him attempting to overdose. there was a whole thing about how our school doesn't handle students with mental health problems very well, and his dad threatened to sue if they didn't make more of an effort to help him. some shit like that."

jimin ran a hand through his hair, and only now did jeongguk realise how close they'd all huddled together to hear the story. it continued. "his dad doesn't give a rat's ass about him, really, but he does care about the money, and he was told that if the school's ill treatment of his son actually led to him committing suicide, he could easily get a couple grand outta' them."

jeongguk stared at the two with wide, surprised eyes. he hadn't expected that whatsoever, though if he really thought about it, it wasn't overly unbelievable. their country wasn't great at dealing with mental illness, especially not in men, but there were some more progressive ideas being taken on board. it wasn't completely unfathomable to imagine yoongi's dad being able to sue..

"how do you know all of this?" the youngest questioned, looking over at jimin. the class president sat back in his chair, falling silent. taehyung's previous attentive frown turned to a sly grin, and he sat back too, which caused jeongguk to do the same.

"our lovely jimin here has a very 'secret' habit of sneaking off with none other than jung hoseok - yoongi's best friend - to do god knows what when his parents aren't home. isn't that right, minnie~?" taehyung quirked a suggestive brow at jimin, who groaned and opened his laptop again, muttering something along the lines of 'fuck off.'

taehyung just laughed, and jeongguk did too, but he still found himself thinking, deep down, about min yoongi and what exactly his deal was.

lunch ended soon enough, however, so he wasn't given much contemplation time. he had a double class of math, and then finally a single of history. nothing too exciting, and certainly nothing that would captivate him whatsoever, but he'd get through it. besides, he had math with taehyung, which actually ended up to be a disaster, with the two being separated and placed on opposite sides of the room after their excessive giggling over a dick that had been drawn on their shared table.

it was then, given that he was alone and by the window, while the teacher was ranting on about simplifying equations and whatnot, that jeongguk allowed himself time to ponder the topic of their lunch time conversation.

min yoongi seemed like a bit of an intriguing human, really. maybe not in a good way, but intriguing all the same. there were a lot of gaps that jeongguk just wanted to fill in, just so he could better understand him. he was so determined to find a decent quality of his, because it's what he did best, but based on what he'd heard so far (and it was just the first day), he seemed like.. a lost cause, honestly.

math class ended soon enough, which brought about the last period: history. in this class, he was once again alone, finding himself beside a friendly guy (from jeju) called seungkwan. they barely paid attention to the teacher, chatting amongst themselves about the japanese class from earlier, which seungkwan had apparently been in. jeongguk apologised for not noticing him.

they swapped phone numbers, anyways, and promised to keep an eye out for one another in any future classes. you could never have too many friends, right?

jeongguk waited outside the school building for jimin at the end of the day, since they said they'd be walking home together. he caught sight of the elder shuffling out with a taller guy he'd yet to see around. perhaps this was the boy taehyung had mentioned at lunch. either way, jeongguk didn't question it, and just made conversation about his new friend as they strolled down the long back alley towards their houses.

jeongguk had admittedly moved into a bit of a shabby area. he lived in less of a house, more of an apartment that was situated above a chinese takeaway place. jimin lived over it, too, in the apartment across the hall from them. they were nice inside, but they didn't look all too special outside. there was a little door next to the entrance for the chinese place, and as soon as you opened it, you were met with a set of stairs. jimin went first, and jeongguk followed after him.

"i'll see you tomorrow, jeongguk-ah," he said, softly, as they reached the part on the landing where they'd both return to their respective houses. jimin ruffles his friend's hair, which earned him a smile. after that, they closed their doors and went to their rooms.

jeongguk took a shower and then got started on his homework. first day done, and not too bad. just nine months left until summer vacation.

it'd fly.

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hope you enjoyed!!

love u!!

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