{ four }

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"so, dork-face, how was your first week in school?"

jeongguk flung a stuffed bear at his brother's face, letting out a little groan. he was laying on his bed, dressed only in a large hoodie, pokemon themed boxers and long, spotted socks. his brother was sat on his bed - they shared a room - in a preppy button up shirt and dress pants. he always made way too much of an effort for university.

the younger jeon sighed. "it was alright, i guess. i made some friends, but.." he ran a hand down his face, rolling over so he was on his stomach. the thought of school made his mind just go.. blegh. on one hand, the hand holding seungkwan's phone number and the chatty japanese lessons spent with taehyung, it had been pretty good. on the hand holding the pen he'd used to write yoongi's number on his arm and the excruciatingly awkward gym class spent with him..

not so much.

junghyun laughed a little bit at jeongguk's truly conflicted facial expression, firing the stuffed toy back at him, but missing miserably. he was not the sporty one, clearly.

"surely it wasn't that bad," he murmured, laying back on his bed once he'd kicked his shoes off. he stared over at jeongguk, who was picking at a loose thread on his socks. "did you meet any girls~?"

jeongguk almost answered, before he caught onto where his brother was taking it. he had yet to come out to his family, for fear of things being.. different between them, and so far, it worked out. it was just moments like these that were incredibly emotionally draining. "no," he mumbled, and he left it at that.

junghyun sighed, this time, beckoning for jeongguk to come sit with him, which the teen did, sulkily slouching over and plopping down on the soft bed. "oh, stop being so dramatic," his brother murmured, pulling him close to his side so he could provide him with some comfort at least. "it'll all work itself out, okay? things will go good, and if anyone messes with my baby brother.. well, they've got another thing coming for them."

that made jeongguk laugh a little, which in turn, brought a smile to the face of his brother, too. they sat there in relative silence, just enjoying company, comfort, communication. all of that. it was so lovely, until junghyun spoke up again, his fingers wrapping around jeongguk's wrist.

"what's that?" he asked, pointing to the faded digits scribbled on jeongguk's forearm. he really shouldn't have used permanent pen..

now, stepping back and thinking logically, jeongguk could easily have said it was seungkwan's number, taehyung's number, the number of his girlfriend, even (who, if arbitrarily chosen in his mind, would be lisa). there were so many people he'd talked to and had positive interactions with, so why didn't he just keep cool, and say 'oh, it's just taehyung's number.'


oh no, instead, jeongguk jerked his arm back with all the force his tired body could muster, cuddling the limb close to his chest as though he'd just suffered a narrow escape of having it cut off. junghyun stared at him for a moment, before a cunning smirk took over the confused 'o' shape of his mouth, and he began to chant..

"jeongguk has a girlfriend! jeongguk has a girlfriend!"

and just like that, he found himself back in primary school. how immature.

"i do not!" he snapped, rolling off of junghyun's bed and returning to his own, where he would not be called a heterosexual, and where he would also not be interrogated about the digits on his skin.

junghyun all but cackled, wiping tears from his eyes. "what kinda dork writes his girlfriend's number on his arm? have you texted her yet? what's she like? i thought you said you hadn't met any girls!"

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