{ six }

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min yoongi, only text if hammered..
who the fuck is this?
received, 04:12am

— — —

jeongguk had seen the reply from yoongi on his screen when he'd woken up that morning, but frankly, he was too scared the open it just yet (despite knowing what it said), so he left his phone at home instead, and headed off to school.

it was considerably warmer that day. he only had to wear two pairs of socks instead of three. the sun was nowhere near high in the sky, but as he and his brother drove along down a winding street lined with tall trees, he could just about make out a few little beams of light peeking through the spindly branches, sparsely populated by leaves that were now mostly on the ground.

"do you have track, today?" junghyun asked, taking a quick glance over at him before his eyes were back on the road. he was still in the wrinkled old shirt and plaid pants he'd slept in, his hair all over the place and he had what had to be the world's worst dark circles. must've been working on something late last night.

jeongguk sighed softly, nodding his head. he did have track that day - his first practice. he was a little nervous, honestly, but he was trying not to think about it too much. what taehyung had said, about the popular people.. it was a little off putting. jeongguk himself was possibly the least popular person in the school. what if they decided to take that as an invitation to be dicks to him?

junghyun reached over, gently squeezing his younger sibling's knee, covered by a pair of unintentionally torn jeans, grey in colour. jeongguk smiled weakly. "i'm just a little nervous," he admitted, playing with his fingers. he'd always been the more timid of the two, in everything from school to ordering at restaurants to talking to distant relatives on the phone.

"i know, 'gguk. i know. but you're gonna do so good, okay? you did track in your last school, and you totally killed it. everyone's gonna be totally shocked by how awesome you are," he consoled, smiling back at the anxious boy. jeongguk rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help the slight upwards turn of the corner of his lips.

they pulled up outside the school a few minutes later, and junghyun peered out the window at all of the students hanging around outside. "crazy teenagers.. it's freezing out," he mumbled, turning them to jeongguk. he gently ruffled his hair, pulling him into a quick hug before letting him go again. "good luck. text me if you need anything."

it was only after his hyung had driven away that jeongguk remembered that he'd left his phone at home.


— — —

taehyung hadn't come to school that day, having apparently caught a cold. "probably the fact that he was wearing a damn t-shirt yesterday," jeongguk murmured, as he sat down across from jimin in the cafeteria, placing his dinner tray on the table in front of him. the elder laughed, before he went back to typing on his laptop.

he had an important assignment due today, and had spent all last night with hoseok in the backseat of his car instead. jimin insisted they'd just been talking, but his limp suggested otherwise. either way, he was now only bordering two hundred words about collectivisation in communist russia and he needed at least eight hundred more. jeongguk could only offer his sympathy.

as jimin frantically smashed the keyboard with his tiny fingers, the younger looked around the room, idly observing other students.

chenle, the chinese kid from his art class, was currently covered in strawberry yogurt. he'd tripped over the chair of another chinese kid named minghao, and now they were both blabbering apologies to one another, as some of the dairy treat had ended up in minghao's hair.

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