Lryica Morgan

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Name: Lyrica Morgan Age: 16Hair color/ Length/ Style: Lyrica has long curly Blonde hair

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Name: Lyrica Morgan
Age: 16
Hair color/ Length/ Style: Lyrica has long curly Blonde hair.
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Light Tan

Looks: Lyrica is five five, she has her ears and nose pierced. Lyrica loves to change her hair, she'll sometimes dye it or she'll wear wigs. Lyrica loves to wear skinny jeans and tight shirts to get the attention of males.

Personality:  Lyrica stands up for herself, she is someone you don't want to mess with. You come for her and she come back ten times as hard for you. Lyrica doesn't take any shit from any person, she'll put you in your place before you even try anything.

Family:  Lyrica doesn't have any family she can remember.

Hero/ Villain( Include name): Villian; Harmony


Quirk: Siren; the Ability to lure anyone under her spells with her charm and most importantly her voice, she often made people fall to their deaths

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Quirk: Siren; the Ability to lure anyone under her spells with her charm and most importantly her voice, she often made people fall to their deaths.

Quirk level (Power level): 6/10

Quirk Advantages: Her quirk works perfectly for long range attacks, the longer she sings the more powerful it gets.

Quirk disadvantages: If She gets tired or distracted while using her quirk she can break the chain, she'll always need someone to help her out.

Backstory: Lyrica was born into a nice rich family, her mother and father where heroes. Lyrica was the only child, until her father started sleeping around. When Lyrica found out she killed her father and then made it look like she was kidnapped. Lyrica's been on her own since then, she's been in and out of group homes, the streets. Lyrica got rescued by followers of All for One, where she met up with Kiran and others.

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